Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:00:00] Glory to God. You know, I'm in a different city and state every week. Y'all can be seated, but I always like to start with a question because it helps me to understand the demographic of who I'm dealing with. I'm sure I've asked it in previous visits here. If not, it's high time I ask it. And that is how many of you are happy people wave your hand like this? If you're happy. Amen. Good. How many of you got something to be happy about? Amen. You know, they used to sing a song when I was a kid growing up. He has made me glad. Y'all remember that song? He has made me glad. And I looked at some of the people that were singing it. And you could see on their face. It was like, I didn't want to be this way. But he's made me glad. I have a reason to be glad I can remember. Let me hear y'all say good time. Good time. How many of you came in here today expecting to have a good time? When these ladies came in, I said, I'm glad. Come on in. We're ready to have a good time. And I'm saying that because I grew up in church. How many of you grew up in church to be forthright with you? Good time in church seemed to be mutually exclusive terms to me when I was a kid growing up. In fact, if I ever went to church and had a good time, typically I got a spanking when church was over, when we got home.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:01:10] And then I learned, you know, that serving God and reading His Word and doing his work was not a hardship. See, I grew up in such a legalistic bunch of folks that they led me to believe that anything that was fun would send you to hell, right? I mean, that's kind of the way, you know, I was a ten year, 12 year old kid, and that's sort of the way because, you know, dancing, hell, you went to a movie. Hell, you're wearing short pants. Hell. I mean, they just had a whole list of all the things. How many of y'all know we don't need to tell people out there they're going to hell. That's right. They know that. Well, we need to tell them. Is what Jesus said. That they don't have to. We need to tell them they don't have to go to hell no matter what's happened. You know, they had these two hurricanes that came through this season that did so much damage. Who'd have thunk? I was in South Carolina a couple weeks ago. They were without power for 11 days for a hurricane that came through the Gulf, not the Atlantic. But if you know your topography, that's craziness. I mean, and one of them, this brother, his family home is Boone, North Carolina. And he said the hurricane came through.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:02:23] He's just completely washed my mom and dad's house away. He said, here's what it looked like. He showed me a picture before the house is gone. There's rocks the size of, I mean, rocks as big as me, just all scattered around. He said, I don't even know where they came from. He said, there's no rocks around here. But he said, this little creek that we had. He said it was never more than 2 or 3in deep. My entire life became an absolute river, washing rocks that weighed two and three tons down here. And when you think about hurricanes doing that kind of impact, That's one thing. But how many of you know we know about hurricanes two weeks in advance when they're just a tropical depression? They're not even a hurricane yet. And the weathermen will say, well, we're seeing out here we have a tropical depression. And how many of you know, it's got to get to a certain speed before they name it? Right? And it's out here and they'll kind of project the computer models, will give them ideas of where this thing's going to come ashore. My point is, no one has to die in a hurricane. Not anymore. Because unlike a hundred years ago, when hurricanes came and nobody saw it coming and did. Did you know all this damage? We know weeks in advance. They're telling people, you need to get out.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:03:36] You need to go, you need to go. And people still die in hurricanes. In fact, I've seen them where they interview people. Go down there. I'm staying. We're not leaving. You know, my daddy died in a hurricane, and so I think I'll die. In fact, I'm going to die drinking a hurricane. How many of you all remember hurricane? None of you here. I'll just tell you. There was a drink called a hurricane, and you and I watched that, and it kind of reminds me of hell, because how many of you know, we have been told that the day is coming and we'll give an accounting for our life. No one has to die and go to hell. Not anybody. Because the way has been made for you and I to live for eternity and have eternal life through Jesus Christ. But there will still be people that it's kind of their deal. Now my daddy died and went to hell, and I reckon I will too. Not you or I. Amen. Amen. So I'm glad that somebody told me that truth when I was a kid growing up and was rebellious. Brother, I'm going to just tell you something up front here. All those scriptures I gave you, we're going a whole different direction. While I was up here and that praise and worship was playing, the Lord just began to speak to me of how I'm supposed to minister today. I had a whole different thing planned.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:04:48] He has all the scriptures. So if you will, when we get to get to scriptures, you're just going to flow with me, I know. Niv Here's what I want to talk about today. I didn't know I was going to until about five minutes ago. How many of you here have ever had something that you dreamed and bleed for? But it didn't happen. Raise your hand if you've dealt with a broken dream. How many of you have had something that hurt you bad enough? It even changed potentially the trajectory of your life. Raise your hand. Okay, then I have the right demographic today. Okay. Because what the Lord spoke to me about up here is he is the God of the shipwreck. He is the god of the shipwreck. We've been told he's the god of victory. He's the God of the mountaintop. He's the God of. He is. But maybe what you haven't been haven't been reminded of is that he's the God of the disaster. When I was with that brother last weekend and he showed me the pictures of what was his family home, I said, but you know something, brother? I said, I believe God's got something better for your mom and dad than what got washed away. He said, what's crazy is FEMA came and said, well, you know, here's your check for $750. And he said, and he said they didn't come until the day that the day after Donald Trump was inaugurated, he said FEMA never even came to my mom and dad's house.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:06:22] I teased him and said, do they have a Trump sign in the yard? Because if you paid any attention, you might have heard the news about that. They were telling people, go around if there's a Trump sign in the yard. But he said the day he was inaugurated, they came $750. He said the insurance is they're so overwhelmed, he said, they've told them that we're going to settle with you. He said they haven't given them nothing yet. He said, but you know who did come? Franklin. Graham. Franklin Graham's organization came and said, we see that you lost your car. Yep. She said, wash the garage, the car, everything away. They gave her a brand new 2025 automobile. Amen. And he said, everybody up and down that street that lost automobiles. They came and gave them one brand new, better than what they had. And it just reminded me that when things are at their lowest, everybody look at me. God's still the Lord of your life. Amen. When the shipwreck comes, how many of you have ever been shipwrecked? I have, that's why I asked you. Because I wanted to be sure that there must be some reason God's impressed upon me to do this up here, because it was in the last ten minutes that he said, I want you to talk about broken dreams and shipwrecks, that I'm the God of that.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:07:42] Amen. And so what I want to minister on today is that there's hope for you today and tomorrow. I was talking with somebody before service and I said, you know, one of the things I think it's important for you to remember, I don't know what you're going through, but I do know this. God's best days for you are the ones ahead of you. Say that my best days are ahead of me. My happiest days. Where are they? Where's your most prosperous days? What about your healthiest days? Where's the best biscuit you've ever eaten? Ahead of you. Come on, y'all. Don't. Don't lose momentum now. What a drag it would be if the best biscuit you had is one you had ten years ago. All of that. The god's best is ahead of you. And so the Lord was quickening me to something, a little story. One of the things I loved about Kenneth E Hagan. I'll just tell you the story. Just a snippet of the story I share with pastor. I grew up in church. As I've told you. My family did gospel music all over the over the world. So I was as church as you can get, but I was rebellious. In the interest of full disclosure, I was terribly rebellious. I was a hell raiser, and I finally got to a place in my life. I only went to church 2 or 3 times a year.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:08:59] In fact, if there weren't poinsettias or Easter lilies in the church, I didn't know where I was. Point being, I came about twice a year. I always used to think I was going to church to do my mom a favor. That's how self-centered I was. And I can remember when I would come in, you know, people, church people, they don't even try to hide it. I'd walk in and I'd be in the lobby and I could hear them over there going, who's that? Because y'all have to have faith to believe. I had hair down to here, and I dress wild. I loved to shock church people. And I'd come in and I'd hear him. Who's that? And somebody said, that's that clown boy. That's that clown boy. And you can hear, you can see them all over there looking. I called them the him the Committee of the concerned, and inevitably the ushers would come over and I can remember they'd get me pinned over in the corner, cut me out of the herd like a calf, you know, and they'd had me on the corner and all the questions. Where you been, boy? One time they asked me. They said you were in that club last night, weren't you, boy? Playing that loud guitar of you. Were you. You playing that loud guitar weren't you. I bet it was hot in there wasn't it, son? Hot and sweaty.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:10:15] I mean, when he was asking me, I was thinking, were you there because I didn't see you? But you're spot on, I didn't. And he said to me, he said, you know what else is hot, son? Hey, they were always telling me about hell. Finally, somebody came in and told me that I didn't have to go to hell. That as deep as the pit was in my life, as great as the sin was in my life. How many of you know, no matter where you are in your life, no matter how great the sin in your life, how many of you understand his love is greater still? No matter how much you've sinned, how many mistakes you've made, the mercy and grace of God is still greater than your shipwreck. And so as I was thinking about that, and I was sitting up here, the Lord quickened me to what seemed to be a shipwreck and my wife and I's life. How many of you remember went the first time? You. How many married people do I have here? Raise your hand. Are you married? How many? Remember the first time you saw your wife? Be a good time to raise your hand, brother. That's right. Don't act like you got to think about it. That's right. The hand of the Lord came over there, right real quick. She's like you remember? Well, I do very distinctly remember.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:11:25] I can tell you what my wife was wearing the first time I saw her. It was in Atlanta, Georgia. It was June 11th. It was 1979. And I was playing in a in a playing in a band. And I remember she wasn't born again. So by the way, if you're not born again, where do you sit? In the back? In the back? And why do you sit in the back? Well, because you're always just steps away from a clean getaway. Yeah. Growing up in church, I always sat in the back and I used to always look. How long is that? Because back then they had cords. The mics were on cords. My first thing was, I would surmise, how long is his cord? Because I always wanted to sit out of his reach, because I always had the feeling he's coming to get me. And so she sat in the back. Someone brought her, but when she walked in, I'm serious. I remember looking back there and going, in the name of Jesus, I was born again. By that time, I said, in the name of Jesus, I received that off white linen skirt, teal colored blouse, beautiful legs. I mean, I'm just being straight up with y'all. I remember just going, Shazam! Yeah. So long story short we met, we dated two years, and then we decided to get married. And so she had an apartment, and I was living in the apartment with the other band members, which you can just imagine, you get 3 or 4 musicians in the same three bedroom apartment.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:13:04] So we weren't going to stay there. So we talked between each other about what was going to be our budget for our apartment that we would have once we got married. So we set our budget. It seemed like I was always either playing as she pointed out to me, I was always either playing or in rehearsal, never available. So she said, I will go and look for us a place. And so basically I just said, good. Let let the Lord use you. And so she would go. And so we had our budget and she would always tell me, well, basically what she was saying was, I can't find anything that's within our budget. And we know this is pretty well the the ceiling of where we can go. And so she said, I'm going to keep looking. She didn't get discouraged. She said, I'm gonna keep looking. And we couldn't find anything. We couldn't find anything. We couldn't find any. We were getting closer and closer to when we were to to to be married. And she was frustrated. I always been wanting people to just kind of rolls with the flows. I mean, I wasn't she was worried for both of us. Let me just say that she did. She had enough worry to go around for both of us.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:14:08] But as the Lord would do, it turns out she had faith for both of us as well. Because one day I was in rehearsal and the phone rang. And you all remember the landline. Landline? But Kim, you got a phone call. So I went and answered it and I said, what is it? And she said, baby. She said, I have found the place. She said, it's only $25 more in our budget, and I begin to get nervous because I knew we were already at our ceiling, she says. Only $25 a month. But she said, here's the deal. She said, it's not an apartment, it's a house. It's a three bedroom house. Not only that, it has a fenced in front yard and back yard, she said. Not only that, it has a carport with a gate coming into the driveway. And I said, and she said, it's available right now. And we were getting married in like three weeks. And I said, you need to jump on that. She said, that's what I'm thinking. She says, I'm going to go pay the deposit right now. And she said, we'll just have I said, I'll stay in it until we get married. I said, I'll make that sacrifice. Because I can move out of my apartment easily. And she she couldn't hurt her. So. So that is what we did. And so we moved into this house. I remember when we would pull into the driveway.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:15:24] I was so proud that I had a carport. How many of you ever lived in apartments? You remember apartment life where you get upset because somebody in your parking. This is my parking space right here in front of my apartment. Nothing covered. Pouring rain. Whatever it was, you're just in the elements to have a carport, to have a gate. It was far more convenient to keep the gate open, but it wasn't near as cool. Every time we came home, I wanted to blow my trumpet like a Pharisee to say, look at me opening my gate so that I can pull my automobile into my carport and I would just make a big and go make a big show about closing the gate again. We were so thrilled we had this place. It was so far beyond what we had imagined. And one night we were laying in bed and David Letterman. How many of you all remember the David Letterman show? It had just started. And so I was kind of thinking, well, this guy's kind of crazy, got a funny sense of humor, and I like their band, and I'm watching that, and she's not really interested. She's reading and she sets a book down. She says, I'm sleepy. And I said, okay. I said, this guy's funny, I'm going to watch this. And I thought she was asleep over there. And she sits up and she looks at me and she's got this crazed look in her eye.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:16:43] She said, Baby Kim, just God just spoke to me. I said, what? She said, God just spoke to me. I said, he did. She said yes. I said, what did he say? He said, he's going to give us a house. I said, baby, wake up. Because she'd one time sat up and said that there was a horse that was at the end of the bed that was saying, I'm coming to get you. And she was asleep, her eyes wide open, but she was asleep. And so I thought, well, she's sleeping. I said, baby, wake up. I said, we already have the house. You're in it, darling. She goes, no, no, God spoke to me. She said, this is in our house. We rent this. She said, God spoke to me and said, he's going to give us a house. And she said, where to get out and start looking for it right now. I said, what she said, set your clock for seven. We're going in the morning. I said, you know, as a guy, any married man knows, when you hear something like that, you need some time. And so I said, I said, tomorrow is Saturday. I said, we don't we don't want to get up tomorrow at seven. I said, tomorrow's Saturday baby. She said, well I know, but what have you got planned? I said, well. I said, George is playing at one.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:17:59] And she said, no, you can watch football anytime. She said, set your alarm. I said, I'm not. She said, yes, you are. I said, I'm not. I said, set yours. She didn't have one. She said, well, you know I don't have one. She said, you set your alarm. I said, I'm not, I'm not getting up. She said, you are getting up. Did I get up? Oh yeah, I got up. So I got up and she said, go, we need to go, we need to go. She said, we've got to look. She said, God's told me he's given his house. Let's go look. I was like, oh, Lord. So we got some breakfast and we drove. And I said, well, where do you where do you want me to go? She said, well, I don't know. She said, I'm just telling you, we we have. God told me he's going to give us a house. We have to get out and go find it. But I said we lived in Marietta. If you're familiar with the Atlanta area, if you've ever been to Atlanta Braves game in the last five years, they built a new stadium, Truist Park. Our our house that we ran in there literally was as close as 200 yards, 300 yards from where that stadium is today. And so this this is a very populated area. I said, well, where do you want me to drive? Well, I don't know.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:19:07] Just he didn't tell me. And I said, well, he didn't tell me, you told me. So I just started driving. Well, I drove to about the poorest neighborhood that I could find. And I'll explain to you why. We'd only been married like 2 or 3 months. Much. We had $35 in our savings account. 35. So I'm thinking, this is so goofy. She's got me out here looking for a house, and we have $35 saved up. And what was what was in our account? It was when we had to check that account every day. Y'all remember the days of writing in your ledger of your checkbook, to be sure. And, I mean, we had to check that every day to determine what do we eat? And tonight, or where are we eating? And $35. But but I'm to look after. So I drove to the poorest neighborhood I could find. She said, why are you bringing me here? I said, what kind of house you think you can buy for $35? I told her, I said, you can't buy a house in monopoly for $35. That made her mad. She said, well, I just know it isn't going to be this God's not going to give us something worse than where we're at now. So she said, look. So we drove. Well, we drove that whole day and never really found anything. I don't even remember where all we went.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:20:31] And I remember thinking, we've dodged that bullet. I won't have to deal with this again. Well, every moment we had free, I would come home. And she says, I found in the paper, y'all remember newspapers? You may have to Google to find what a newspaper was, but she would have circled ads. We're going to go look at this. And she had me driving to these places and I gosh, man, I mean, it was just terrible. The boredom for me was so great. How many of you remember when you were a kid and your mother would take you into the bank? Or if any of you ever taken your child into a bank, have you noticed how when somebody brings a child in the bank, immediately they're so bored they can't support their body weight? Parents just have to drive. That's sort of the way she would do. She'd just have to drag me, my feet, dragging my arms into every one of these places. And finally I got so frustrated and she was taking me to all these places. She says, look, I've got a game. Pull over. I said, what? She says, I've got a game. Her games were always goofy. She said, no, I've got a game we're going to play. I said, what do you mean? She said, tell me about the house God's going to give you. What do you mean? She said, well, tell me about it.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:21:41] I said, well, why don't you tell me you're the one that said he was going to give us a house? She says, I will. She says God's going to give me a house that has an octagonal shaped window in the kitchen. And she says, I don't mean a little one. She says, it's going to be about this wide. I said, six foot wide. She said, oh, that's as far as my arms would go. She said, I'm thinking more like 8 or 10ft. I said, an octagonal shaped window ten feet wide in the kitchen. She said, that's right. And she said, I know that she's just going to have a built in desk right underneath it, and it's going to have built in drawers on each side. She loves sunshine, she says. So I can sit at my desk and I can look out at the sunshine, she said. I've never even put a blind over that window. I said, well, where would you find one? For an octagonal shaped window ten feet wide? She says, it doesn't matter. I'm never putting a blind on it, she says. I can just sit and look out. I said, okay, she said, now tell me about the house God's going to give you. Well, I didn't really have anything. She goes, well, you like that carport? Didn't you tell me you'd like to have a car? A two car garage? Yeah. She goes, okay. Then she says, I'll write that down.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:22:56] You're going to have a two car garage. She said, didn't you tell me you'd like to have a basement to put all your amps so you could play as loud as you want, and I wouldn't have to fuss at you. I said, yeah, she said, well, write that down. And so she wrote down for us a home with a ten foot wide, octagonal shaped window in the kitchen with a built in desk with drawers on each side. A two car garage and a full basement, she said. Now go find that. Have any of you here ever seen. And let me remind you, this is 1980, 1981, actually. What's that? 44 years ago. I don't know that you've seen an octagonal shape win today. I can assure you. You've not seen. I had never seen or even heard of such a thing. She said go find it. So say every weekend. Every weekend she had me out looking and we finally over, I don't know, probably six, eight weekends we had moved. We started out in the little poor neighborhoods right there. We lived. We started out there. But by 6 or 8 weeks we were out 30 miles. I didn't even know. I thought we were in Tennessee then. We live in Tennessee now. I thought we were in Tennessee then. We were so far north of Atlanta and we were looking and and typically my M.O. was when I would get bored, I would start whining.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:24:22] Any of you hear clearly, it's none of you. But how many of you know somebody who whines? I will just tell you I was going to whine. And and typically what I would whine about was being hungry. And if I whined long enough, eventually she'd have to admit, well, I'm hungry too. And then I'd get us to eat, and that would distract us from we wouldn't have to look at houses the rest of the day. So we're out one day and we're driving and and I man, I'm just in my mind building the let's go eat speech when she says stop like that. Just that abrupt, I mean, scare me to death, I stopped stop, and so I slammed the brakes on. We're animal lovers. So if if cats, squirrels go in the air, you know, we're slamming on the brakes. So I'm looking for what's right in front of me. Or child rolled a ball out in the yard. I said, what is it? She goes, look, I said, I am. She goes, no, look. And I said, what? She goes, look. And to our left was his house. It looked like Noah's Ark. That's what it looked like to me. It was all cedar and it looked like Noah's Ark sitting there. And I go, yeah. And she goes, no, look. And I looked. And what is the most prominent feature in the front of this house? An octagonal shaped window ten foot across.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:25:46] And there is a for sale sign in the yard. And she goes turn in. Turn in. Turn in. I said I am. I went as slow as I could. I turned into the driveway and the car hadn't even stopped rolling yet. And the door opened and she goes running. And she ran right past the house out of you. I'm serious. I remember thinking, well, officer, we stopped. She got out of the car and ran, and I haven't seen her since. She just ran. Have you seen people running across the field to hug one another? And these love stories? She's running towards that house, but she totally ran out of view. So I got out and I walked slowly. And I walked around the back and it had a deck on the back. I'd never imagined a home with a deck. And she's up on the top of that deck. And I looked and it had a sliding glass door. And she's going. I'm trying to look through the sliding glass door. I said, what are you doing? She goes, come here, come here, come here. I said, I'm coming slow as I could go. She said, come, hurry up. Come on. I said, what is it? She goes, look. And if and you did have to kind of go like this, because you could catch a glimpse through the living room into that kitchen, and you could see below that octagonal shaped window Endo.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:27:10] And I'm going to let you tell me what was below that octagonal shaped window. All right. Oh, show off the Lord's calling you to travel ministry, brother. I know it now. That is exactly. It. Had a built in desk with drawers on each side. And she looks at me and she goes, did you get your garage? Well, I hadn't even. I mean, she was fussing about coming. I hadn't even looked. And sure enough, I walked around two car garage that went into the basement. And she goes. I said, baby, I, I could weep. I said, I have to I have to admit, I said, you called it. I mean, you detailed everything. Who finds this? Who's ever been. And while we're standing there looking in or on that back deck, this man comes around. He's the builder. He said, can I help you people? My wife said, yeah, we're just looking. This is my house. He said, well, I'm glad to hear that, little lady, because he said, it's mine, but I'm wanting to sell it. He said, would you like to buy it? She said, we're ready to buy it right now. And I said, well, no, no, hold, hold, hold on here. He said, well, do y'all have an agent? I wasn't even sure what he meant. I said, an agent. He said, well, do you have a real estate agent? And I said, oh no.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:28:47] And he said, well, if it's okay with y'all. He said, I'll call the listing agent. He said her office is just five minutes away here. He said, I can't really I can't take time to show you. He said, I'm out here finishing up. But he said her name is Grace and she'll come. My wife said, send her. And in five minutes Grace was there. And Grace said, well, let me just show y'all the home. And she took us around the front. You had to go up steps, had a deck in the front, go into this house. And when you walked in the great room like a 20 foot ceiling, I mean, it was just craziness. All this wood, this cedar, beautiful wood. And we walked in and every room that we would go in, turn around, turn around, look at me and go, this is my house, this is my house. Every room she took us in and and Grace said, well, now do you guys have? And Susan said, oh, yes. I'm not even saying anything. The two of them are carrying on the conversations. Oh yes, we'll need this and we're going to do that. And he wants that garage. And I'm just so happy to see that. Yes. And Grace said, well, this is wonderful. She said, Susan said, I'm telling you, this is my house. We're buying this. She goes, well, do you want to go to my office and write an offer? And I said, well, she goes, y'all have been pre-qualified, haven't you? I had no clue, I said.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:30:08] And that is she goes, I think we've got the cart before the horse. She said, y'all haven't been pre-qualified. I said, I don't even know what that means. She said, I know y'all are young. She said, what needs to? She said, I tell you what. She said, I got somebody help with that at my office, too. And so they took us and they sat us down and time we were done. There's no way we're buying a brand new house. We've been married six months. We've got $35. And we got home and Susan said, are you going to get me this house? She said, I've done all the heavy lifting. She says, I found it for us. I've called it. She said, now what are you going to do if you put a gun to my head? There wasn't anything in my mind that I could do. She says, I'm telling you, she said, we need to believe God because she says, I know, I know, you can't. And she says, I can't. But she said he can. And we wanted to wanted to be discouraged because now we'd found what she'd called into being. But we didn't have the means. She said, I tell you what we're going to do, we're going to start doing so.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:31:12] She said, we're going to do little things. How many of you know little as much as God's in it? Say that with me. Little is much if God's in it. How many of y'all got the faith of a mustard seed? How many y'all got? Just a little cruse of oil. It don't take much if you're willing. And she said little is much. She said we're going to have a yard sale. How much stuff have you amassed in six months of marriage? Well, in her mind, I had a lot of stuff that needed to go into that yard sale. She said I made a list, and so one of them included my motorcycle. She said, that needs to go. You don't have time to ride that anymore. And so we we had a list of all this stuff we had to sell. And so we had a yard sale. And you know what's crazy? In that carport of that rental house that we had, it had a had a little storage area and the lady had told me, she said the people who were in here last are coming back to get all that stuff. Well, they had never come. And finally she told me, she said, Kim, she said she said anything that's in there if y'all want to take the trash, if you want to have it, you can have it. Well, I opened it up. There was bicycles.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:32:16] There was all kind of stuff in there. We hadn't even opened it to that point. And when she gave us the green light yard sale, buddy, we sold all that stuff. And by the time we were done, we were both shocked. And when we were out there in that yard, I looked and Susan was bringing furniture out of the house. I said, she said, well, my mother's got another kitchen table. We don't need this one. I said, well, of course we do. She said, no, mama, let us use hers. So, I mean, she's like bringing furniture out and sitting it out there in the yard and where they're buying it. We sold everything. Well, everything, as I recall back then, was about $700. So we got $735, and she said, we're going to find something else. Out and we started talking to her mother. Susan's daddy died two weeks before she graduated high school. And she was a mama's girl through and through. Excuse me. A daddy's girl through and through. And when her daddy died, that just kind of pulled the the rug out from under her. And she became super close to that mom because it's just the two of them. And her mama had never remarried. And her mama lived in an apartment about 20 miles from us. She's on Social Security. And she said, you know something, Kim? She said, I'm just saying. She says, I know we've only been married a few months.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:33:36] And what husband wants their mother in law to move in? I said, I can't think of one. And she said, well, here's she said, just hear me out. And she kind of explained things. And all the time she's saying the Spirit of God speaking and said, she's right. She's right. And I said, baby, I think you're right. And so I said, I'm going to go talk to your mama. She said, because she'll think I'm it's my idea. Which of course it had been. But she said she won't do it if I ask her. But she said, Kim, I said, I'll go. We called her granny and I said, granny. I said, here's the deal. You live on Social Security. You're over here in this apartment. When it was a nice area, when she moved in and it kind of gone down, I said, we're believing God for a house. It's got an extra bedroom. I said, would you consider moving in with us? Now, again, can you imagine if your mother in law moved in with you six months after you got married? For a lot of men, that would be the curse of death. Let me tell you. For me, because ultimately, she did move in with us. In fact, she moved in in advance, right there in our little one house. And she was never say never, never, never anything but a blessing to me. Never from that day.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:34:57] Till the day she died. And she died in our home. And my wife's arms. Granny was never anything but a blessing to me. Can cook. Oh, she could cook. We'd come home. Wonderful meals made. She'd fix my plate. I'm talking about every day. Fix my plate and bring it to me. Susan used to look at her and say, mom, he can fix his own plate. I said, get behind me, Satan. In fact, granny hadn't been there with us long. I told Susan, I said if I'd have met her, I'd have married her first. If I'd have met her before, I liked her better than I like you. That's how much of a blessing granny was to us. And so granny said, well, you know the money that I've been making go towards my apartment. She said, I will get. She says, if I can stay. I said, granny, as long as we have a house, you'll have a house. So now we had that income. We're still missing it a long ways. And granny said, you know, I've gotten to where I don't like to to drive so much, she said. How many of y'all are familiar with the phrase unes? If you want my car. Because Susan had a car. I had a car. She asked one. We don't need it. So we sold her car, which is a collectible. I didn't realize at the time it was a 1972 Dodge Challenger.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:36:19] Which we got remarkable money for. And things just started happening. And we started getting closer and closer and all of a sudden, which seemed like such a disaster, that can never happen now. We could almost see our way. And one day we were still a long ways away. But one day. Mailbox. We now have a P.O. box. We live out in the country, and every mailbox I put, they knocked it down. So I said, okay, so we have a post office box. I said, knock the mail, the post office over it if you want to knock my box over. But back then we had a hit a mailbox and went out there one day and got it going through the mail and looked and it said Bureau of Indian Affairs up in the corner, addressed to me, Bureau of Indian Affairs, BIA. I'm thinking, what in the world? So I take it in the house and open it. And it says to Kim Klaudt, you need to know my father is Native American, was born on a reservation in North Dakota, 50 miles south of the Canadian border. Kind of the middle of nowhere on the Missouri River. And so I'm reading. And for those of you look at me, my mom is German. That's the rest of the story. Blond hair and blue eyes. I always told my mom she only was white if she had a tan, because otherwise she was completely clear.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:37:38] You could look right through her. And so I'm looking and it says to Kim Klaudt. It says, as a consequence of the 1876 treaty between the federal government over Buffalo rights and the Arikara Mandan tribe. You are now entitled to. And it was a check in their. Buffalo Rights Treaty of 1876. This is 1981. It's 105 years ago. Many of you are thinking that God will do something in the future to bless you. I am standing as proof to you that he can go over ten decades in the past to bless you. What it was was when the federal government came through, they wanted to build a reservoir to create electricity and drinking water for the inhabitants up there of northwestern North Dakota. And we went to farmers to try to buy farming land. The farmers wanted too much money. The federal government didn't want to do that. So they condemned Indian land gave them, check it out, a dollar an acre and flooded the home my dad was built in under. My dad was born in under 50 foot of water to this day, and they built the Garrison Dam and the Lake Sakakawea Reservoir and never did what they should have done. And by the way, the reason they did this Buffalo rights, when the federal government came through there, they had to move Indians. Eventually some settler would get killed because these are people who've lived here for thousands of years, and the settlers would waive a deed and say, I own this land.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:39:27] I remember the people saying, when I say the people, the natives, they would say, how do you own the land you walk on? You ever heard about Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce? I will fight no more. Forever, was his famous speech. He spoke to the US Congress, and he said to them, when they told him that they were taking his land that had been his people's land for thousands of years. They said, we own that land. We have the deed. He said, how do you own the land you walk on? He said, one day you will find the land owns you for you go back from which you came. And so they came through and took this land. And inevitably a white settler be killed. But if a settler got killed, they'd go back and kill all the Indians, but Indians would kill back. And this went back and forth. You've read your history. And finally, the federal government, as a strategy, went in and said, why kill the Indians when we can just kill their way of life? If we slaughter the buffalo? That's how Buffalo Bill got his name. Buffalo Bill Cody was. They slaughtered the buffalo, sold the hides, cut the tongue out and sold that as a delicacy. Left everything else to rot. But in doing that, they completely robbed the native people of their way of life because they used the buffalo.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:40:42] Every part of him They used his hide to be to make their homes. They used his bladders to hold as canteens. They used the buffalo. Every part. Nothing was wasted. And so they slaughtered them. And what happened was in the mid 1970s, when they were flooding more land, a family was getting all of their belongings out of the house that was going to be flooded and found a chest. And in that chest was a copy of the original treaty that was signed between the federal government and our people, in which they had promised them huge amounts of land, that if they just signed a treaty, they never honored that. And now the treaty is found 100 years later, it went all the way to the Supreme Court. And the Supreme Court said, you got to do right by him. And so they sent a letter to me, and we had this, and all of a sudden our down payment, we're there. And I called Grace on the phone. I said, Grace, I've got some good news. And I told her and she said, that is wonderful. And so that was like Monday of the week. And so that Friday we called our best buddies, who we used to double date with when we neither of us were married and we said, we're getting a house. We told them the whole story and they said, well, we want to take you out to eat.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:41:59] Let's go eat pizza and celebrate this, I said, yes. So on Friday we're going to eat pizza. Friday morning, Grace calls me. I said, Grace, what's going on? She said, well, we got a problem. She said, the lender says that because you guys don't have any kind of a credit history to speak of, they feel like you need another $500 on deposit. I said, we and she says by this afternoon. I mean, every miracle that take place in our life had manifested. I mean, we're 105 years in the past to help manifest things here. I'm slap out About of the miraculous. And she says it's got to be in by the end of the banking day today. I said, I can't do that. I said, can you please ask them if they'll give us till Monday morning? I don't know what I said, but I mean, give me some time. And she said, well, Kim, I can't promise, but I'll, I'll call him. I said, well, we've come this close. They're springing this on us at the last minute. Long story short, she called. She said, they said they would give you till noon on Monday. I said, okay, she said, otherwise we can back up and punt. We can start this whole process over. I didn't have the guts to tell my wife that. And so I said, okay, but I did have the guts to go tell her.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:43:17] I said, babe, we've got to have another $500. She said, well, you need to call Jennifer and Jerry them because we can't go eat with them. I said, why now? These things are bad here, but we've got to go eat pizza. Let's let's don't be that. Let's just don't be rash. She said, well, Kim, we can't go eat pizza. We got to stay here and worry about this house. Her exact words. I said, we're not going to change anything. I said, we need to go. I'm not going to cancel on Jerry and Jennifer. She said, okay. So we went. She's long faced the whole day. The whole night. And they know they're taking us out to eat to celebrate our new home. And Susan and and so we meet them at the restaurant. We only have time to tell them as we're waiting to be seated. And finally, they took us to our table and we sat down, and they they'd just been cleaning it off. And there was a card there, and I said, oh, I said, you left this card. And Jerry goes, oh no, no. He said, that's a, that's for me and Jennifer. That's for you guys. I said, oh man. I said, that's so gracious. So he had a card, Kim and Susan. And so I picked it up and opened it and said on the it was a little card they'd kind of made themselves.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:44:25] And on the inside it said, rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. He said, we rejoice with you in your new home. And I said, man, that is so precious. He goes, no, open it. And so I opened it. And inside of it was a check. For how much? $500. Wow. Thank you. I'm telling you, it's crazy how good God is. Amen. I'm telling you this story today to build your faith. I hope you never see an octagonal window again without thinking about my little wife. I know I never do, because out of nothingness, she spoke a home into existence. Out of nothingness. Six months a year. We moved in eight months after we got married into a brand new house. When I tell you, it looked like Noah's Ark. I'm not exaggerating. It was incredible. It never would have happened without her speaking in faith. If it had been up to me. I'm just being. I'm a preacher. I'm a man of man of faith. Yeah, yeah. Listen, it took her faith to help my unbelief. You know, and thank the Lord when things would get tough. I finally got on board. When things would be tough and she'd be down, I could lift her arms up and I would be down. She could lift my arms up. And so I just want to speak to you today. I don't know where you are in this continuum that we call life.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:45:56] I don't know if everything's wonderful for you. And you've just inherited, like, monopoly. I remember when you. What was it called? Community chest. You land on Community Chest and you could pick up one of the little. Congratulations. Bank error in your favor, $50. I don't know if you've just had something wonderful happen or if the most disastrous thing has happened to you. Here's what I can say to you. God's the God of all of it. God's the God of your mountaintop. But he's the God of the shipwreck, too. God's the God of the heartbreak, the disappointment when things haven't materialized like you had planned and hoped. God has a way. Don't stop. Keep moving your feet. Say it again. My best days. They're ahead of me. Say it again. My best days. Where are they? I'm going to tell you one other story, if you'll allow me. We moved in that house. We lived there ten years. It's a it's another miracle story. How we sold that house. I'm not going to tell you all that one. I'm going to go two houses down the line. I've been in ministry full time for 47 years. For 37 of those, I've traveled on love offerings. You say? What does that mean? I'm talking about when I leave to go preach. I never know what I'm coming home with. I've done it, faith, for 37 years.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:47:21] The exact words the Lord spoke to me was. You will be my mouthpiece to my people. You tell them what I said. Don't tell them what you think. Tell them what I said. He said if you tell them what I said, I then will speak to them and they will bless you. He said, I won't write you checks. They will. I won't give you a $100 bill. They will, he said. It's all up to them because I'll speak to them. That's been a faith walk. That's been a tough thing. I could tell you stories of discouragement and hopelessness and thinking. And I remember telling to the Lord, you told me to do this. You know, why is this so screwed up? I this wasn't my. I didn't want to do this. You told me to do this. And so we're three, three houses down the line where God's done these miracles. And we had horses by then, and we were renting a little lot. We had 0.97 acres our house sat on. And next to that was a vacant lot, just treed lot, which I went in and cleared and it was about two acres and we had horses. We put our three horses on that. We just thought we were the stuff. And Susan started telling me, she said, wouldn't it be something if we had our own place? Kim? I said, well, what do you mean? She goes, maybe like about five acres where we would have our our horses with us.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:48:43] Wouldn't that be something? I said it would be. I could tell where this is going. I've been with her long enough because every one of these houses, I get comfortable. And she's like, Kim, the Lord spoke to me. And so she says, I'm telling you, I want a place where I have my horses with me. I said, well, I want that too, baby. But I said, we've got it. We're able. We rented that lot for like $75. And she goes, no, no, no. She said, we can't go. And so she started it. We need to get out and start looking. Oh Lord. So we did that again the other day. I told her, I said, baby, I think we looked at 81 homes in Nashville. We lived in Cleveland, Tennessee. I'm a musician. So we thought if we're there in Nashville, I can do session work. She's a She's a songwriter and there's horse. That's the horse capital of the world. Nashville made sense. We tried for four years, had our house for sale for four years to move to Nashville. It never would happen. And we'd saved up some money to be the down payment on this concept of a place. And we got so discouraged. And she said, I said, let's just take it off the market, baby. I said, it's been on there for so long. So we did.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:49:57] And she said, well, here's I'm gonna tell you something, Kim. She says, If I'm staying in this house, this house is about 40 years old. She said, I'm tired of looking at this old vinyl and I'm tired of looking. And I said, okay, okay. She said, can we at least change the vinyl in this kitchen? I said yes. So we went shopping and looking and I let her pick it out, of course. And she got the vinyl she wanted and they came and put it in and I thought, boy, this is wonderful. Now I can sit in my recliner and she goes, baby, I want you to come up here. I said what? Anytime she calls me anywhere, I know I'm going to have to do something. So she says, come in. I said, what is it? She says, well, now look, she said, I love our vinyl. I said, that's great. She said, but look at these countertops. She said, when this vinyl is new, it just puts a spotlight on how old and ugly these countertops are. She said. If I'm staying in this house, I'm not living with these countertops. I'm telling you right now. I said, okay, okay. So we called and somebody came out and did the countertops while he was there. She said, you know, the countertops in our bathroom upstairs are this same stuff. She said, it doesn't make much sense. I said, I said, okay, I know where this is going.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:51:04] So the countertops upstairs, change the countertops down here, change. We got that done. And she goes, baby, come in here. I said, what is it? She goes, walk in the house. She said, look at this carpet that you have to walk across to get to this vinyl. She said I believe you just walk on anything. If this floor was dirt, you'd just do it, she said. But I'm not. So they came out and they did the carpet in the in the lower level where you come in and she goes, well, here's the deal. She said, if we do the carpet on this lower level, she says, when you walk upstairs, it's like the wheels have fallen off, she said. That's all that old ugly carpet. So we did all the carpet. Well, we're just burning through our down payment because that's how we're paying for this stuff. And she said, If I'm staying in this house, eventually calls me in the kitchen and I go, what is it? She goes, all these handles on these cabinets. She said, I'll be glad to say, I'm not going to say we have to change the cabinets, but we are changing these handles. So we're changing the handles. We're doing all this stuff and we burn all the way through everything. And I'm thinking, at least I can be satisfied if she's satisfied. Can any married man here relate to that concept? If she's happy? I tend to be.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:52:16] So I said, well, baby, if this pleases you and you'll stay here, then everything's wonderful. For. And so I think I had her where she'd kind of given up on the we're going to Nashville, have our own place. And she said, I'm going to the post office. She's having a bad day. She said, I said, I'll go with no. She said, I just I just need to be alone. I'm just going to go to the post office and get our mail and I'll be back. She said, I'll bring her some lunch. I said, okay, just the edge of the cell phone era. She calls me on her cell phone. I said, what is it? She goes, look for we've been together now 45 years. Yesterday we went out to eat. She picks up phone books. She's done it for 45 years. We're totally content. She's always getting home books. She got one yesterday. She said, I've just come here to the post office and they have the little things like, you know, little vending type things. And she says, look, I know this is out of our budget, but she said, there's a property I'd like for like for you to just call. She was so discouraged, I knew. Well, okay, baby, I said, I'll call. So I called and the people said the agent said. She said, actually, that's my listing.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:53:32] And I said, we just want to do a drive by. I said, we don't need to to go in or anything. And she said, we're not going to be able to tell much because it sits off the road. And I said, okay. She said, but the people are out of town. She said, I happen to know that they're out of town. So she said, you can go. And she said, go ahead and drive up the driveway and you can see it. And I said, okay. So Susan got home. I said, baby, I've called. And she told me where it is and so we can go drive. So I took her. So we pulled up and I remember thinking, oh man, I don't I don't even want to pull in here. And she said, no, go, go. We've got to see. You can't even see the house. So we started driving up there and I'm just kind of looking and going, man, oh boy. And we get right up to the front and there's a kind of the driveway splits. And so I'm trying to decide what we should do, and I'm looking and all of a sudden I hear hollering. And I'm looking, and there's a man coming out of the yard and he's hollering. And I said, oh, Lord, and he's mad. And I thought, oh, man. And so as he's coming and hollering, I'm rolling down my window. And I'm saying, sir, I'm so sorry.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:54:35] I said, we may have made a wrong turn. And he goes and he's still hollering. And until he gets closer to the house, I realized what he was hollering was, if you're going to buy this house, you're going to have to get out of that car and look at it. I realized he wasn't mad. He was actually kind of saying favorable stuff. And so I still wasn't going to get out. And he comes right up to the window and he leans down into my car and he looks at me. He goes, I know you. So now I thought, he's gone from being mad to I think he's drunk because he goes, I know you with a big old smile. I've never seen this guy in my life. He goes, I know you. I said, you do. Yeah, I know you. He leaned down and looked across at Susan. He said, no, I know you too, little lady. We're looking at each other. I said, are you sure? He says, yeah, I've heard you preach. He leaned down to look at her, and he said, I've heard you sing. He said, in fact, I can tell you where I heard Yinz Yenz. And he named it. And I said, yeah, about ten years ago up there on the on the river in Knoxville. He said, yeah, that's where y. Yeah. He said, get out of that car. This is about five in the afternoon.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:55:50] He's got. He said, come on. He's just dragging Susan walking us up to the front door. And I said, no, I don't want. And he opens it. He goes, hon, look who's here. His wife's in there washing dishes. Now, how many of you ladies here would shoot your husband if he brought somebody in out of nowhere? And you're washing dishes? He just marches. He goes. Hon, look who's here. It's Kim and Susan like we'd known them forever. We walk in and so she says, oh, hey. She tries her hand and she says, I remember y'all. So we started talking. I thought, well, this is kind of crazy. And so he says, are y'all interested in this place? And I didn't want to say yes because it was so overwhelming. He said, well, let me take y'all and show you around. Let's get in the truck first and I'll show you. So we got in the truck and he's showing me the property line and all this different stuff and show him like at midnight now, 1150, we're eating ice cream in their kitchen. We were there seven hours. This guy's showing us talking, telling stories going on, and he's so over the top and such, this huge personality. I'm just thinking. And the whole time I'm dreading the question because it doesn't come till we're eating ice cream. And he goes, well, I hadn't imagined y'all. He said, do y'all have a house for sale? Not for sale.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:57:17] I said well, no. He goes, well do you do you need to sell where you're at to buy this? I said, we need to sell about four of our house to buy. He said, well, where do you live? I didn't want to tell him because it's only about ten minutes from where this place is. Parenthetically, I later found out that's why God kept frustrating all of our plans to go. This was being built. This man was building this place. I didn't even know it was there. He goes, well, where do y'all live? I did not want to tell him. I just spoke in general. No, but I mean, exactly where do y'all live? And I told him the road. He said, well, we're on the road. He's having to ask me a thousand questions. Finally, I told him, and he goes, well, and he names the man that I bought it from. He said he built that. I said, yeah. He said, I know that house. I thought, oh, Lord, This. It's over. He goes, I know that house. He said Did you hear that? And he named he said she went to high school with him. She said they live in the names of guys house that we bought said that's where they live. She goes, oh yeah. He says, you know, I've always liked that house. I thought, well, you're being nice, you know? He said, no, honey.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:58:30] He said, remember, we've talked. We like that house. When they built it. He said, yeah, he said, so. Now let me get this straight. Y'all need to sell that house to get this one. But you don't have it on the market. And I said, well, we've been fixing it up. He said, Kim, I got an idea. Would you want to trade houses? Yeah. Now, this is like you're driving a. A Hyundai, an Isuzu. And the smallest one they have. And he's got a Cadillac going. Y'all want to trade? And I said, well Glenn, I said he goes, no, no, no no, no. He says, I'll be honest with you, y'all gonna have to give me money in exchange. But he says, I'm just saying, would you want to trade houses? And I said, well, I said, that's so overwhelming. He said, no, no. He says, I want to come see it. He said, can we come see it tomorrow? And I looked over there and Susan, she's going, oh no. Because it was, you know, and sure enough, he's coming. The next day he came. He come in. He's looking the whole time. He's looking. And I'm thinking, I am so glad we did the carpet. And we did the vinyl and we did the countertops and we did the handles. He said Come here. Look at these handles they got in there. This is nice. And she's walking through like she's impressed with it.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [00:59:58] Long story short we ended up trading houses. And God did some miracles. I'm not going to take your time to tell you they're even more crazy than 105 years in Buffalo writes. I'm sincere. And the day finally came where we closed and he said, Kim, I'm gonna rent a truck. He said, I'm paying for it all for us to move. He said. They're going to pull up to my house, and they're going to load all that stuff in, and he's going to take it over here to my new house. But then they're going to take all your stuff and move it back over here and move it into your new house. He said, I'm paying for all of it. He said, you're not going to pay for a dime of it. So he paid for the movers and they're moving everything in. About halfway through the first day, he comes to me and he goes, Kim, you like moving washer and dryers? I said, no, I hate it. He said, me too. Of course he and I aren't moving anything. He's paying these guys. He said, me too, I hate it. He said, you want to trade washer and dryers? I said, well his is like new. Ours is the Sears cheapo. And I said no. Then I said, and he goes, no, no, no, I'm serious, he said. I don't want to move and I'm not going to pay these boys to move it when yours is perfectly good.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [01:01:10] I said no, and he said, Susan, come in here. So she comes in. And what is it, Glenn? He goes, Kim and I have decided we're swapping washer and dryers. I said, we didn't decide that. I told you. No. He goes, no, we are. He said, come here, Susan. He said, she'll show you how to run it. We traded washer and dryers. No more had we settled that. He goes, Kim, you like moving refrigerators? I said no, he said, me neither. And he said, these boys don't want to move that refrigerator. He said, Kim and Susan said, Glenn. He said all this stuff is brand new. She said our stuff. He said, Susan, Kim and I have decided we're not moving washer and dryers and we're not moving refrigerators. And she said, okay. About ten minutes passed and Susan came in and she goes, Glenn, he said, what? And she goes, do you like Kim's pool table? I said no. What? She said, well, there's no room for it in this new place. What are you going to do with it? She said, that's what I thought she said, Glenn. Do you like Kim's pool table? He smiled at me. He says, yeah, I love pool tables. She said, well, I like all of them furniture you got on the back deck. She says you want to swap Kim's pool table for all that furniture you got on the back deck? He says, yeah. He said let's shake on it. That's just how it happened. That's crazy.
Speaker2: [01:02:36] I mean.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [01:02:37] If you just believe a little bit God can make anything happen. Little is much as God is in it. If you're in a train wreck of a situation right now, get it down in your spirit. Or on the other hand, if you just received the Community Chest card that says Bank error in your favor, you got $50. Guess what? God's got more where that came from. And if he'll do this for me, I was the most destitute, the most devious, ugly person I've known in my life was me without Jesus, and that he allows me to represent him. I told my wife, we need to change the name of our ministry from Kim and Susan to God Will Forgive Anybody Ministries. And so that's what I want to say to you today. I don't care how many mistakes you've made. I don't care how many bad things have happened, how many wrong choices you've made. If God will forgive me, he'll forgive anybody. And I don't care how much resource you have. I don't care where you're at. And you're thinking that we could never do that. God can if you can get on board. I had to get on board with my wife. And so to this day, I never, ever tell her, don't get that home booked because God has blessed me ridiculously with homes. Craziness. I could their movies stories. What I just told you is so such a synopsis of the goofiness and craziness that happened.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [01:04:07] But God used that man. Glenn only lived five more years. I'll never forget the day we closed, he said. Kim, I built this entire place, he said. And God was the architect of it. I was the builder, he said. But every day when I was out here working, he would remind me, this isn't for you. You're building this for someone else. He said, Kim, it was you all along for those five years he was building it. He got so frustrated with the builders, he told him, get off my property. He said, I'm buying all the equipment you've got. He did. He bought everything they had, all the earthmovers and he said, I'm buying it all. He said, Kim, I did it myself. Took me five years. That's why we could never get a place for five years. Going to Nashville, 81 homes. And it was right there, about eight minutes from our house all along. I hope I've built your faith today. We didn't mention Jesus in them songs. I didn't read a scripture today, but my intent of that was to encourage you and exhort you if you're in a down place and you're in a hard place, know this God is faithful. God is faithful. His arm is not short. And whatever you lack, he has in abundance. Amen. Bow your heads and close your eyes. Father, I just thank you for your providential hand, Lord, that you extend your hand down from heaven, and you move on behalf of the affairs of your people.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [01:05:35] Lord, I thank you that you move things into place if we'll just move our feet. You make the rest come to pass. If we move our feet, you don't hold us down to bless us. You said you're going to find me, but I'll bless you just for looking for me. I won't be hard to find. If you search for me, you'll find me. And Lord, I thank you that whenever we find you, you not only bring peace and forgiveness and mercy. You bring provision. You bring Bountiful, Bountiful harvest. Oh, God. And Lord, that's just what I speak over grace. Life in the name of Jesus. Bountiful harvest I thank you. Oh, God, that the best days of this ministry are the ones ahead of it, not behind it. That the happiest days of this ministry are the ones ahead of it and not behind it. That the most prosperous days for this ministry are the ones ahead of it, not behind it. I thank you, oh God, that the greatest harvest this church has ever known is coming in the days in the in the future. Oh, God. Lord, I just thank you, oh, God, for the faithfulness of these people. I thank you, oh God that they are faithful because you are, Lord, that you have demonstrated to them that if they will keep covenant with you, if they'll not look to the left, or look to the right that you will provide.
Rev. Kim Klaudt: [01:06:48] Lord, I thank you that as I have a story, a miraculous story, I think that every person in this room has a miracle story that story that they can tell of how they were saved, how they were redeemed, how they were set free. But Lord, I pray you'd stir it up in them. Move your feet, move your feet, move your feet. The father. Every time we move our feet, you direct them. We plan our ways, but you direct our feet. Oh, God. And so I just speak that hope. I speak that encouragement in the name of Jesus to the people that are here, the families that are represented here. Oh, God. And I just thank you again, oh, God, for your faithfulness, that you're not a man, that you'd lie or even change your mind. I give you glory and honor today because you're worthy. Everybody say it is done. In my life, in my home, in this church, in Jesus name. I know in the early days when I would come here, I would play and y'all had musicians. A couple of times I brought acoustics and last time I came, I had a video. Would y'all allow me to show a video of play? And I didn't bring my guitar today. But my dear friend up here has helped me. He's going to play a short video and then you do whatever you want to do, brother. Thank you.
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