
Holy Ghost Oil Change | 12Jan2025

Holy Ghost Oil Change | 12Jan2025
2025.01.12 3n1 oil FRMP3.mp3.pdf
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Speaker1: [00:00:00] In case you want to sing. Good morning. Y'all can be seated. Praise God. Hallelujah. Anybody happy? Man, I don't know about you. I was glad when they said it's time to come to the house of the Lord. Oh, wow. Thank you, Miss Pam. Praise the Lord. She has those good amens. Well, God is good. Amen. Every other day. All the time. All the time. Even if it's ice and it snows. Oh, wow. What about if the groundhog sees his shadow? Amen. He's still good. You know, the Lord says it's just as light to him in the darkness. It is the light. It's not to people. But the Lord said it's just as bright out here in the pitch dark to me as it is if you was in the stadium. Amen. Well, what are we going to do this morning? Lexi, you got the service? No, Michael, you got service. He's here. Carter. You got it. You don't got it. He said he don't got it. Amen. I think Miss Carolyn has it. I think she's ready to preach. She's gonna make her debut today. Amen. Praise God. Praise God. You said. What are you doing? I don't know. I'm waiting. Amen. It's right there. My father got up. He said, who's in charge? Me or you? And I said, where you are. Well. Amen, brother. I'm about half scared to do anything. Scared? I live in a good way. Wow.


Speaker1: [00:01:46] Thank you Lord. Well, today we get to choose. We can choose life. Yeah. You don't like life? You can have death. You can have blessing. Or you could choose cursing. But I know this. Jesus came to redeem us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us. Why that the blessing of Abraham might come on you, the Gentiles. Yes. Hallelujah. So why would we take a thought saying, why would you take any thought? Saying, you know, people take thoughts all the time. And the Scripture says, how do you take a thought? You take a thought by saying, now that doesn't mean thoughts don't come if you're alive. Thoughts come. I always have to. I'm sorry, but I have to go back to what Brother Hagar said about that. He said, you can't keep a bird from flying over your head, but do you have to let him build a nest in your hair? No, he don't have to call it home, does he? And so this morning, praise the Lord. I gently sent a title over so they can get it going. And this morning I sent no title. Because I have no idea. Praise the Lord. Maybe you can title it afterwards. If you want to look at some scripture. If you can, go to Deuteronomy chapter six. We'll say hello this morning. Are we on? Praise the Lord, we're on. Good morning everyone. Glad that you're with us now.


Speaker1: [00:03:17] Later or. Or never. He's the one. He's the one you want to do. Praise the Lord. But we're going to have a big time in Jesus today. How many know where the presence of the Lord is? There's. There's liberty. There's freedom. How many like freedom? Amen. You know he likes freedom. People who've been in bondage. Amen. Bondage to people. Bondage to addictions. Bondage to sin. Bondage to the devil. And when you get free, I mean free. Amen. And when you get free from people's opinions of you. Yeah. Amen. They have them. Amen. Do you know that? Oh, people have all kind of opinions, but there's only one opinion that matters, and that's the one who gave his life for you. You know, if you actually gave your life for someone, you'd be kind of interested in them. If you're going to give your life for them, you care what happened to them. But the one who gave his life, he's not dead. He's alive. Amen. The Bible said he's seated at the right hand of God. What's he doing? Making intercession for you? I like that. Amen. That means he's praying. That means Jesus is praying for you this morning. I wonder if he gets his prayers answered. I think he does. I think he does. Well, if Jesus is praying for you and he always gets his prayers answered. Wow, it's a great day. Amen.


Speaker1: [00:04:41] Did y'all find Deuteronomy chapter six? Amen. If you didn't, you probably won't ever find it. So just listen. Well, we know that these. We know Israel's come out from bondage. They've been in bondage for quite some time. And then Deuteronomy chapter six, I guess we'll just start with verse 20 he says, when your son asks you in time to come, saying what meaneth the testimonies and the statutes and the judgments which the Lord our God hath commanded you. In other words, he's going to say, why are we doing all this, dad? Why are we rehearsing these things and going over them again? Why are we talking about the testimonies over and over and over again? Because he wasn't there. He doesn't understand, you know. No one understands quite like the person who lived, who went through the experience. We can tell about something that we know from history. But the people who was there has the real history. So he says verse 21, he says, so when he asked those questions, you shall say unto your son, we were Pharaoh's bondmen in Egypt. Shoot. And the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand. And he showed signs and wonders, great and sore upon Egypt, upon Pharaoh, and upon all the household before our eyes. And he brought us out from hence that he might bring us in to give us the land which he swore unto his fathers.


Speaker1: [00:06:06] And the Lord commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the Lord our God for our good always, that he might preserve us alive as it is of this day. I want you to look at verse 23. He has brought us out. That he might bring us in. Whoa! Isn't that a big statement? I mean, when the Lord brought you out? Yes. Did he have purpose for bringing you out? The whole purpose of coming out was to what? Go in. Because we. We took the wrong turn. We got off the wrong exit exit and he brought. But now he's he's bringing us out. I mean, he brought you out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of his dear son. How many believe the Lord can take you out of poverty into the land? That's more than enough. How many believe the Lord can bring you out of debt? Yeah. You say? Well, I've been hearing that for all my life. It's never happened. Okay, well, it don't belong to you, then. I said, how many can believe that? Come on. Amen. Blind Bartimaeus had been blind for more than nine months. Jesus healed people who were lame all their life. Blind, sick lepers found Jesus after it had already happened. They came to Jesus. Missing fingers, missing toes, missing ears. And Jesus made them whole. He didn't just stop the leprosy. He recovered all. Come on.


Speaker1: [00:07:42] And I think this would be a good year, 2025. Not just to come out, But to come out and recover all. To recover all, what would recover all look like and not just recover all, but to bring you past where you've ever been. Come on. You know when you're on the road somewhere and you go to maybe another state or whatever, and you realize, you know, it could be plenty of roads in Alabama, but how many have been on a road you thought, you know, I've never been on this road in my life, never saw this, never saw that house, never saw that mailbox. Never saw that dog. Never saw that barn. Never saw that, you know. Never saw that ocean. Never saw old man Kelsey's pond. Andy Griffith never saw all these things. But when you go into a new place, you pay more attention because you've never been there. When you go into a place, if you're in a church that you've never been before, you look around. Some people go to a doctor's office and sit in the waiting room waiting, but they kind of look around. They never saw the place before. It's brand new. When you get to heaven, you go look around. You go like it'd be like the first 10,000 years. Wow. Wow. Wow. Then you'll feel something in your back like this. And you'll turn around, and it'll be Jesus himself.


[00:09:00] Oh, wow. Oh, wow.


Speaker1: [00:09:08] You do know that, right? Yeah, but have you ever thought about the day that you'll physically meet Jesus? Meet him? Not you. In a room with 10,000. Meet him. The day that you will meet Jesus personally. Just you and him. And he's not mad. He don't have a club in his hand. But. But just you and Jesus, who knows everything about you. Yeah, but he's already forgotten all the things that need to be forgotten. He has. Because he washed you in his blood. And I think he thinks a little highly of his blood. What can wash away your sins? See, in the Old Testament, they didn't have washing away. They had covering. It's really called the atonement. Which is what, a covering. It's not a washing away. It's not a reminisce. It's a covering. That's old covenant. We don't have covering. We have removal. Yes, ma'am. Amen. That's far better. Much better to have your guilt and your sins. Your past washed away, cleansed and holy before God. Well, Jude, the book of Jude says one day he will present you faultless before God. You say, come here, father, I want you to meet faultless. This is faultless, Michael. Right here. He believed me. He loved me. He accepted me. This is your faultless son, Michael. See? Amen. And then all of a sudden, Michael's eyes will be open and he'll see the Lord. Of course he'll. He'll fall down. But you see, he'll see God.


Speaker1: [00:10:48] Amen. God's already saw you. You just ain't got to see him yet. Hallelujah. I was sitting out there yesterday. I was sitting there in the afternoon, and I kind of got through, I think. I don't know, I don't even know what I'm doing, but I kind of got through with what I thought was going to happen today. And I went inside. It was kind of late, and I got a cup of coffee and I don't know, I was sitting looking out the window and I was thinking, I was thinking, one day you're going to meet Jesus himself. And I was just sitting there thinking about that. If you was going to meet Jesus in ten minutes with yourself, and we could tell you, you could have my officer back room, you don't go back there. And I mean, the rest of us want to go, but it's just your appointment, right? You get to go. What would you say to him? What would you ask him? I mean, what would you actually say to Jesus? Or would you just sit there and just say, thank you, Lord? Tell me. Just just tell me. I mean, what question could a human with human intelligence ask to a God who created all the universe? Yeah, I bet you can't say. Do you know what eight plus eight is? How about 12 times 12? What's the square root of? He's like, is that all you want while I'm here? No, sir.


Speaker1: [00:12:13] No. We want. We want so much more. Yeah. And there it is this morning. I wonder who in this room wants more. Everybody wants to say. They say they will. But I don't know who really wants more. Yeah. In other words, who's in this room this morning who might be just a little bit hungry? Man. Just a little bit hungry. I need hungry folks in the house today. Let's step it up a little bit. Anybody here hungry? Hallelujah! Praise God! Hungry, hungry. Amen. Thank you. Lord. When we moved from Michigan. 19. What? 58. 68 I wasn't. I didn't move 58. I was moving around in heaven, bargaining for a rich family to come down with. I didn't get my way, but it ended up being rich. The spirit of things. The spirit of God. Amen. And came down here and we got introduced to some country food. My mama knew it. But, you know, she's up in Detroit now. And, you know, I don't remember everything must be 4 or 5 years old, do you? I mean, you remember those batteries? Here and there, 5 or 6. But, you know, until you had probably had a daily schedule. You may not remember a whole lot, but granny made them homemade biscuits. And I never knew why she had the coffee. And she had a little saucer. I'm like, well, why is she pour coffee out of her cup and put it in the saucer? I mean, I never seen people drink coffee out of a saucer, but she wouldn't drink it out of the saucer.


Speaker1: [00:13:56] And she had on me and Easterling. Y'all know who Mayor Easterling was? The. And the bald headed milkman. Come on. Every morning. I skipped every radio program there as Mayor and Eastland. Well, but she she could make them biscuits and them cat head biscuits, and I didn't I didn't know what Soppin was. She said she said, we're going to get you some biscuits and sirup, boy. We're gonna sop. And I looked at rest of my siblings, and I looked at my mom and I said, what granny say? She said, are you gonna sop boy? I said, okay, I'm GameStop. Well, I didn't know what a SOP was or a sop her. You know, you could have red eye gravy. Tomato gravy. But Alabama has a sirup made right here called golden Eagle. Y'all ever tried it? Yeah. Oh my gosh. Oh. Taste and see. And granny put a little slug of butter in there and sirup a little bit warm. And she mixed that up in a bowl. And we had some biscuits just fall apart. And you want them to fall apart? You want them to fall in the sirup? Not all of them, but you want a lot because you can go after them with a fork. And you do. And if you don't like milk a whole lot, you like it with that, because Golden eagle sirup, warm with a warm biscuit and cold milk.


Speaker1: [00:15:25] Come on somebody. I said come on somebody. And as you drag that biscuit right through there Pieces that was going to break off. I don't care how well you glided, you can try to brace it a little bit with the back fingers, but pieces of it's going to break off. It just will. I don't care how good you get. And I first thought, you know. Oh, no, I'm losing my biscuit. But I had no idea that was a good thing. Now you understand. Talking about health and nutrition right now. And I know there's some sugar in there. But I found out what sopping was that day, and I've been in supper for the rest of my life. Amen. Lord, you said, well, you could die earlier doing that. Okay. Or I could stay here two more years in which I'll eat. But I'll be in Paradise. Thank you. Yeah. I skipped all this. To miss this, to not be here quicker. Well. I wanted to say I wonder how many hungry people we have in the house today. Amen. Amen. I'll be honest with you. I ain't met a lot of hungry people. All they ever were. But I ain't met a lot of them. They don't generally run in droves. 2025 is the year of separation, right? You say how do you know.


Speaker1: [00:16:57] I don't but the Holy Ghost does. And that's what he told me that you know if you read the, if you read the Gospels, he said I didn't come and bring all y'all together. That sounds like I can't believe the Lord just said that. That he didn't come to bring everybody together. He said, I come to bring his sword. Yeah. He said, what I have will separate you from some people. It'll bring you together with some. It'll separate you from others. Not everybody can go where you're going. Some people are going to jump off the exit and that doesn't mean anything's wrong with them. They just wasn't supposed to go for that whole ride. Maybe they got a different ride, but you got to go where you're supposed to go, and you got to find out who's who's on the bus that you're supposed to be on there with. It ain't by yourself, but there's going to be some days you're going to do it by yourself. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You say, well, but I know I'll never have no struggles. Yes you will. I promise you, you will. It will never be hard. Yeah it will. There'll be some hard times. Amen. Amen. Don't you think the crucifixion was hard? You want to sign up for that one? No. And now? Not that we're called to do that, but it's the year. It's the year of bringing people together.


Speaker1: [00:18:17] But it's a year of some separation. Some could be. People could be. Methods. Ways. Workplaces, friends, all sorts of things. Because before he can bring you in, Deuteronomy said he had to bring you out. If you ain't going to come out, you ain't going to go in. Amen. Amen. See, people want to go into the land that flows with milk and honey, but they don't want to let it go to the land. That ain't enough. And they complain about it. But they used to it. They actually got position in the land of lack. They even have a title there. They complained about it all day long, but they're comfortable being there. They might as well run for mayor in the land of Nowheresville. I need to get to my message. Praise the Lord. My ministry has changed, and I don't know if I like it or not. Yeah. Oh, it's okay, but it'd be like writing many books. Many books or something. In other words, I've always had it this way, but I'm sitting here and I'm getting. I'm hearing the Holy Ghost preach to me in my office, and I love that. But then I ended up reading what he gave me. I'm thinking, won't you just give it to me on Sunday? Of course, sometimes I've been known to veer off. All right. So I don't have nothing to ask somebody's book right now. They might have said it, but.


Speaker1: [00:19:52] So I was in my office yesterday morning and I wrote these words. See if they can register into your life when you begin in the ministry or your life. There are hard times, but you have to purpose in your heart that you won't quit. You see, there's no turning around. Imagine you just me, in an office all by myself. There's no turning around, he said. I have no plan B, just his plan. I'd rather die than stop doing what he called me for. So you get to decide and determine. Determine not to grow weary. The Galatians six says, don't grow weary in well, doing. Don't let the devil or any person take you away from God's purpose. God's call on your life. They didn't create you. They're not your Savior. They're not your Lord. No. We need to seek him. Seek his will until you're fully persuaded of what that is and what you're fully persuaded of what it is. Do not confer with flesh and blood. Amen. I mean flesh and blood. Who means well. They have good intentions. They're just sometimes wrong. They mean well. But once you're fully persuaded. You know, Abraham was fully persuaded. He didn't start fully persuaded. I know Romans says he was, but he was eventually. But there was like two and a half decades. The man was not fully persuaded. He's pulling all kind of con jobs. His wife, too. I mean, I mean, think about it.


Speaker1: [00:21:41] These are people who are trying to obey God, but but they missing it, right? Yeah. When your wife gives you another woman and tells you, go lay down with her. Something's wrong. I'm like, I know this is a trick. So I'm not going to answer. Amen. She says no, go ahead. And she's really young. And he's really old. Oh. Now why why why, why? I heard a I heard a motivational speaker say one time, but, you know, she said, if he has a lot of money, if he has a lot of money, she might be really young, he might be really old. But if he has a lot of money, she'll find something good looking on him. Might be his fingernails, I don't know. I don't know if it'll be all that nose up in his ears and hair. I don't think that'll be that sexy. I don't think it will be. But if she could see, you might only have three breasts left in your body and you standing on a banana peel, and she might go for it, I don't know. But, Sarah. Why did they do all this? They was trying to help God. They weren't looking for an open marriage. They were looking for. I mean, it really wasn't about an open marriage. They were just going to help God with keeping his promises to them because you know, the Lord needs a lot of help.


Speaker1: [00:23:31] Or not. So in Hebrews, I think it's 11, somewhere around 1114, somewhere in there, it says, Sarah received strength to conceive and bore a son. You know, finally end it finally. And it tells you how she finally was able to do it. It says she decided finally, finally she decided to judge him. Faithful who promised? And when she decided, like God may know enough without her help. Amen. Without Abraham's help with all their schemes. And they just finally said, we're through. When she said, I'm through, he said, I'm through. She says, okay. She says. Ain't nothing about you. I want to see when you come out of the shower. You're just like, oh, he said, well, have you looked in the mirror yourself when you come out? We're really old. Old? They didn't start that way. They got old together, right? Amen. Yeah. I mean, some of y'all don't like this and whatever, but I'm just about life, right? This is life. People come to church like it's okay. We just praise the Lord. Say hallelujah. But no, I'm talking about life. I'm talking about where angels don't come and take your trash to the road. You do it yourself. Amen. Okay. I've been past long enough to see some things and hear some things. Amen. I'm not shocked by much. So they. They decided to judge him. Faithful. Now, none of that stuff was in my notes about that. You know, you can imagine.


Speaker1: [00:25:13] So one day We're going to stand before God and give an account. So don't confer with flesh and blood when she gets fully persuaded. Don't let someone else talk you out of doing God's will for your life. Because the day that you stand before him and give an account for your life, it'll be a sorrow filled moment. You see, we've been washed in the blood. Remember the song? Have you been to Jesus for your cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Are you fully trusting in his grace this hour? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? The song goes on to say. Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? The verse two said, are you walking daily by the Savior's side? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? This whole song is full of question marks. Do you rest each moment in the crucified? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Verse three. When the bridegroom cometh, will your robes be white? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Full of questions. Will your soul be ready for the mansions bright? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Verse four. Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin. And be washed in the blood of the lamb. There's a fountain flowing for the soul unclean.


Speaker1: [00:26:43] Oh, be washed in the blood of the lamb. Are you washed? You remember the song. Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? When Jesus paid the price and it's paid. But if we're going to fulfill the the will of God in our life, there's a price ahead of you. Jesus said I could use no man who puts his hand to the plow and looks back. And then see you go forward and in the plan of God for your life. And I want to say this because some of you have been walking with God for years, and some of you not so long along the way, there'll be things that will happen to try to knock you off your stand, take you off course. You run into some discouragements, some disappointments, some setbacks, some knock downs. Paul said he got knocked down but not knocked out. I said like, I got knocked out a few times, didn't I wasn't gonna wake up. My brother Hagan said one time he said, A lot of times I found my head where my feet was just a moment before. It's in that moment that you decide what you're going to do with your life. You said, no, I'm going to get it after I win the award. No, you'll be happy that you won the award, but you'll only really decide in your lowest moments who you are and what you're going to do.


Speaker1: [00:28:21] It's at the lowest moments, the hardest times, the difficulties when everything and nothing makes sense anymore. And if you haven't been there, keep living. It'll visit you. You said, don't prophesy over me. I'm not. I'm just telling you. Just keep living. It's just. It's just. Life is what it is. It's what it is. And there's a devil who don't like you. Have you noticed that? Yeah. He's not your best friend. But over a period of time, you begin to find your niche. You might say. You start to find the plan for your life. Find your direction in this plan, when you find your niche, you learn the way that the Holy Ghost is taking you. It doesn't happen overnight. It takes a while. How he use you. Until you become comfortable, in a sense comfortable of how it uses you. Problem is, especially in the ministry, people get started. Young ministers want to emulate other ministers. They try to say what they say. They try to pick up their mannerisms and dress like they dress. And now what we have is a bunch of preachers with fancy hairdos and skinny jeans. Looked like a bunch of. You know what? On the stage look like their breach is so tight their voice should be high. Like a tenor. Just like that. But they're popular. Oh. Thank you.


Speaker1: [00:29:56] The Bible says many are called, but few are chosen. That's right. Yeah, you could say some are called and some are frozen. You always know when you hear an ice cold message. Can't get thawed out in a church like that. Well, Pastor Frosty. But God has called you and he's anointed you. But a lot of people never fulfill the will of God for their life. I guess I'm quoting Brother Hagan a lot this morning. He had a vision one time. He was kind of off his plan of his life. He was, by his own admission. And he said, the Lord told him. If I hadn't come talk to you, he said, your life would have ended early. He said, as a matter of fact, he says, most of my ministry. He didn't say some of them. He said most of the ministers never, never get out of the first phase of their ministry that I called them to. Now, I don't know what that means to you, but just say, well, I'm not a minister. Well, actually you are, but doesn't matter. You have a plan for your life that you'll answer for. What if you never got out of kindergarten with it? And now you're standing before him to give an answer for that? It doesn't have to be this right. Anything. Never get out of the first phase of their ministry. He said most of them. Jesus in the vision when he appeared to him.


Speaker1: [00:31:31] Well, I don't want to be one of those to you. No, no. In other words, they know that there's a call, but they're not prepared to be faithful in the little. If you can't be faithful in the little about Jesus, and you can't be ruler over much. So you wonder why people never get promotion. That's why. But everyone here is called to stand in the Ministry of Reconciliation. Everyone is called to. Every one of you is a minister. You're a minister of the gospel and you're called to minister. You're called to teach. You're called to preach. You're called to testify. Don't get hung up with the word. Preach, preach. Talk. Have a conversation. Say. Text. Email. Write. Everyone is a minister of reconciling the world to themselves. It's called share and tell. Share and show. You remember, show and tell, don't you? Well, that's show and tell. Demonstrate. We won't go there. But in that the Apostle Peter said in acts chapter three, when they when him and John got to the gate, beautiful. And there was the the man laid there who was lame from birth. He was there every day. He had a right from the government to be there to beg for money. He had no he had no means of making, you know, no provision for his own. And he he was a beggar. And Peter John said, silver and gold have have I none.


Speaker1: [00:32:58] But before he said that, he said, hey, look on us. Knows. And the man looking said expecting to receive. Well, he did this every day. So what was he? What is he expecting to receive? Just money. That's what he does every day. He had no idea that day was going to change his whole life. He had no idea that God was going to bring him out so he could bring him in. Amen. Glory. I don't think Peter and John knew that he was there that day or thinking about it. They were just going where they were going and to pray, and they saw and they said, look on us. How many Christians do you know? Tell people, look on me. You say, well, you that's just that's just uppity. No, it's not uppity. It's just knowing who you are. In other words, it's knowing what you have on the inside of you. It's knowing who you are in him. Yeah. And when you know who you are in him and you know how it came, you know. You know you can give it away. And you know, what you have to give is good. And you know, if I give it, you're going to be better than you were before I gave it. So you could say, look on us. Notice Peter didn't give him a business card or he didn't give him, you know, you know, come to our meeting in three months, we're going to have a camp meeting.


Speaker1: [00:34:21] Brother so-and-so anointed Sparky is going to be ministering. Who knows? You might even get a miracle. But don't look at me. I mean, I'm telling you about the meeting about three months ago. Wow. Well, how's it going to get there? Such as you have. But now we need to get to Benny him, get in the car and track Benny down. Benny him down. Oh, thank God for brother Benny Hinn. A lot of people's lives should have been spared because if his life and in ministry and the anointing. But is that the plan of God? Is everybody in the world get to believe him? Come on. Makes me think about all those people you know. And. In Peru, Mount Cusco. Some of them didn't even know there was an America. If you don't know, there's America. I'm pretty sure you don't know there's Benny Hinn because he's in America, right? Such as I have give I thee. So you got to be determined. This morning I asked you in the beginning of service, who's hungry? This is where it's going to separate right here. I hope everyone makes it through the service. You got to be determined to obey God rather than man. You have to be willing to be mocked, sometimes misunderstood, jeered, talked about. If you're going to fully obey God, you will be a threat to the kingdom of kingdom of darkness. Satan will line up a number of problems, situations, people to come against you because you are.


Speaker1: [00:36:05] You propose a threat to him. It could be those closest to you. But you're not dealing with flesh and blood. Understand why the persecution is there. You can't worry what people say or do or the rejection that comes your way. Don't be hindered with who spreads gossip or slander against you. You have to make the decision in your heart to walk in love and obey God, and do what he's calling you to do. The bottom line is, if you and God, it's you and God. That's the bottom line. It's you and him. No one is just going to take you to the top. Hand you the blue ribbon. No, you're going to have to pray it out. Walk it out. Start. The Bible says find, start and find out what's in your hand to do and then do it with all your might. It's what the Scripture says prepare and press in. Isn't it interesting that Jesus spent 30 years preparing for a 42 month ministry? Wow. 30 years. 42 months later, he was gone. And you were going to watch two YouTube videos. Preparation time is never wasted time. But you got to be hungry and you got to stay hungry. Yeah. Wigglesworth said. Psmith worker said. He said the only thing that he was satisfied was with the fact that he was dissatisfied. I like that.


Speaker1: [00:37:37] I like that. So don't allow yourself to be at the place of complacency or become lethargic, but rather press in to the things of God, to what God has for you. Be oppressor. Yeah. There's plenty of people who's not going to go the distance. Love them, but don't make them your best friends. All the crabs in the bucket don't want another crab to get out. If one starts to get out, he'll pull him back down. Who do you think you are? Where do you think you're going? Oh, I'm going to get out. And. That crab ain't gonna let you out. You got a crabby attitude. Amen. You need. You need to have dissatisfied. Be thankful, but have dissatisfaction for where you are right now. I don't care how good it's been. When the enemy wants to mount an attack, he. He starts it on your highest moment. In your party. When you won the blue ribbon, you won the prize because you're not thinking about him. You're not. You're not watching the gates. That's. That's when he comes in. But it comes in quiet. You don't see him marshaling forces? You have to start at ABC to get to the XYZ. Yeah. People want to start at Z. You ever watch the Olympics? People who run the 800. 600 people who run a marathon. And if if what I'm standing is the track to run on. And this carpet right here is the finish line.


Speaker1: [00:39:28] You don't get to start right here and go through one. People want to start right here. Yeah. No, it's the ABC's. But they don't want ABC's. They want the des. The deep, electrifying and far out stuff. But God called you to do. May take you five, ten, 15, 20, 30, 40 years before it gets developed. You won't have it all. If you live to be 120, you'll be able to barely scratch the surface. You'll know them. If not, you'll just know enough not to be completely stupid. Compared to what's available to you. Amen. So what does it require? Stickability. Fortitude. Intestinal fortitude. If I can get it real good. Old fashioned guts. This is different, isn't it? Good. Good. Kathryn Kuhlman went to hell and back and back again before anyone knew who she was. She had failure after failure after failure. By her own words, she said, I lived for many years, a very lonely life, until I came to know the person in my best friend, Holy Spirit. Amen. He said that she knew the day and the time and the address where Kathryn Kuhlman And died, her own words speaking in the first person. She said, I know the place I was at when Kathryn Kuhlman died. She gave the street the address she looked at. She was walking where this street crosses this street at so and so. You know, whatever lane she said. That was the day Kathryn Kuhlman died.


Speaker1: [00:41:09] She said it was the best day of my life. But the Holy Ghost did. Through her. He can do through you. Her call may not be your call, but what he did in her, he can do in you. What does he need? He just needs to yield his life. He's not looking for gold and silver vessels. He's looking for yielded vessels. If you're willing to walk in the spirit, that means let him have control. And you walk with him and cadence with him. Just like in the military. Give me a Liv. Liv. Liv. I'm sorry guys. I'll watch Gomer Pyle. May it be like that exactly. But you know it'd be like I was reading this joke one time to my they went to the ceremony and you know and her son was graduating. And he's out of boot camp. And and her son was the only one he didn't know he was he was walking out and his mother thought he was the best one because she was messed up. But my boy, she said, look, he's that one over there walking opposite of everybody else. But he but he was opposite. But when you walk in with the Holy Spirit, you're walking in cadence with him. When he says left, you don't go right. He says, right. You don't go left. When he says turn, you turn when he says jump you, you jump. You don't think about jumping, you jump.


Speaker1: [00:42:31] Amen. And whatever he's saying, that's what you do at that moment. Because if you don't jump and you don't do what he said, then you'll abort what was supposed to happen. Wilderness Wilderness. Living. 40 years. Going in circles. We don't want to do that. So we walk with him in his might and his ability and his wisdom and his strength and his power. He's the one who anointed you. He who has anointed you. The Scripture said, is God. You are anointed. In acts 222 it says, you men of Israel, hear these words Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him. Which God did the miracles by him? God did the miracles by him. Jesus. And when God uses you for miracles, it'll be God doing miracles by you. But it'll be God doing the miracles. So God did the miracles by Jesus in the midst of you. As you yourself know in acts 1038, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth, who went with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil. For God was with him. And now God is with you. I want to equip you a little bit today for some of the journey that you're on. Because you told me you was hungry. I guess you wouldn't. I guess you was telling me the truth.


Speaker1: [00:44:03] Anyone still hungry? We got any supper? Still in the house? Okay, we're going to drag that biscuit to the serve. At the end, you just have a bunch of little pieces of biscuits that's in that sirup, and it's just a little clumpy. Then that's where you go out there with a fork or spoon, and you go and you wash it down. You chase it with some cold milk buttermilk. Not me, y'all have it. But anyway, put it in the red velvet cake and I'll do it, but otherwise keep it away. The Word of God said in Ephesians 518, he commanded us to just to be filled with the spirit. Are you filled with the spirit? Be careful before you answer that. Are you filled with the spirit? I went yesterday to Carter's first basketball game. Asked his dad. Mama said, can I take him to Jack's afterwards? Because my wife said, I think that's what he's going to want. I said, okay, I'll take him. And we were sitting there. We went in and we sat there and he got him a little. He got him a combo and he took him a while to cool down. He'd been running. We got to the end of the meal, got through eating, and I said, well, Carter, are you full? He says, well. He says, not, not completely full. And I said, no. I said, well, what else could you put in there? And I'm thinking, you know, your skin is real.


Speaker1: [00:45:37] He says, well, he says, they got that ice cream over. I said, I can tell he's in my wife's family wanting that ice cream. He said, they got that ice cream over here. And now I realized he wasn't going to be through with that milkshake time. He got home and he was coming home with his sister. So I know everything I bought him, I had to buy twice or two of them. I said, here you go up here and order it and get your sister one. He says, well, why is she going? I said, because you're going to walk in the door sucking a milkshake, and she going to look like, oh, so she got her cheeseburger and her milkshake. Amen. Good. When you get blessed, when you ain't even there to ask for it. Right? But he said he had a little bit more room. He was still hungry. Yeah. That's right. I go to church down there because they let out in 18 minutes. I'd rather watch it burn the house, burn to the ground or use it for a, I don't know, play bingo in 18 minutes. Give me a break. Be filled, he said with the spirit. The word filled is the present means the present continuous tense meaning continually fill or what he's actually saying. Greek scholar says Paul, saying, be ye being filled. How many of you remember when you got filled with the Holy Ghost? Amen.


Speaker1: [00:47:11] How many of you that was over a day, a week or a month? How many? It was many years ago. Can I tell you what's happened since then? You leaked. Yeah. You're plugged into this life and you're moving around in this world and with people and situations. And you was filled that day. But you have to be ye being filled. Amen. Amen. Have you ever had more than one meal in your life? Have you ever had more than one drink of water or tea or coke? Why? Because you got thirsty again. Well, if that's so unnatural, isn't it? Shouldn't it be so within the spiritual that we need to eat and drink? For a good, spiritual, healthy life. Amen. Be ye being filled. And this develops a hunger in you. An appetite and a thirst for more. It's not a one time drink. I'm talking about a life of being surrendered, not Sunday. I'm talking about Christians getting possessed. Amen. Amen. Every good Christian believer needs to be possessed by a spirit, Holy spirit, Holy spirit. When you get Holy Spirit, nothing needs to be cast out. But when he comes in, he don't bear down with other spirits. I think they got the devil with them. They ain't got the Holy Ghost in the Holy Ghost. He don't make buddies with no other spirits and the Holy Spirit. This ain't Casper the ghost you putting in there? You need to be consumed by the revelation of Christ and His love and his righteousness.


Speaker1: [00:48:55] What is God? Let me ask you a question. What is God speaking to you at this time in 2025? Either this is just part of my sermon, if you want to call it, or the Holy Ghost knew you would be here. I wrote down what he gave me. He said, What is God speaking to you at this time? What is your conscience disturbed about? What is that you haven't dealt with in your life yet? What truth in His word stands out to you as you read the Bible? What direction has he given you for this year? What new door has been opened for you? Revelation 378 says he, Jesus, who opens the door and no man shuts and shuts, and no man opens. He says, I know your works, and I've set before you an open door, and no man can shut it. And if we yield, and if we obey him step by step of this plan that you go through the door he opened, if you let him have control of your life. And I believe you'll see him in a different way, because he said, I will manifest in your life. Remember John 14 2021? Jesus said, in that day you shall know that I am the father. The father is in me, and I'm in you.


Speaker1: [00:50:23] Verse 21 said, he that hath my commandments, Jesus said, and keepeth them, he it is that loves me, and he that loves me shall be loved by my father. And I will love him and I will manifest myself to him. But listen to this verse in the amplified. It's so good. Jesus said, I will love him, and I will show. I will reveal and manifest myself to him. I will let myself clearly be seen by him, and I will make myself real to him. Amen. Amen. Clearly be seen clearly. He said, if you walk with me and you'll do it my way, and you'll obey my instructions. He said, me and the father will come, the son will come, the father will come, and I'll come, and we'll make our home in you. We'll reveal ourselves to you. We will manifest ourselves to you, in you. You. Not every. Not everybody else. But if you'll do these things. He said you. We will clearly be seen. You'll see us. We'll manifest ourselves to you. What else could you need? Amen. So I heard these words. After that, it's a time for flushing out and for filling in. It's a time to step away and step in. It's a time to say no. It's a time to say yes. It's a time to forget. It's a time to remember. It's a time to release. A time to discharge. A time to relinquish. A time to lay hold of.


Speaker1: [00:51:54] A time to clasp. A time to seize. A time to firmly grasp. You can't straddle the fence and have God's best. Because the devil owns the fence. Oh, wow. And he owns the middle of the road and the yellow line in the middle of the road. And all the dead armadillos that died in the middle of the road. They're all his. You weren't made for compromise. The world is waiting for people just like you. For the manifestations of the sons of God. Are you Are you hungry? If you're hungry, then you ought to be fed up by now. Amen. I'd like to go into the last part of this service today. Are you running on fresh oil or stale oil? You? After a while, Bill could come up here and do a seminar on this for me. Brother Bill could tell us how this happens. I'm going to try to. But, but but the more that you use that oil. I mean, the oil off a car is is not is pretty major. It's one of the most the least expensive things that you can do to a car. But it has so much to do with the longevity of that car. I mean, you tell me if I'm wrong, but but as you use it and it gets hot and you stop and you go and you stop and you go and it gets warm. The viscosity in that oil begins to break down over a period of time.


Speaker1: [00:53:19] And you think, well, I'm hoping to get 200,000 miles out of the car. We don't think that one oil change is going to last 200,000 miles. It's not going to. Just like what you had for breakfast yesterday didn't work all the way till this morning. Isn't it something? Isn't it something that we believe in? Change in the oil, in our cars? We believe in changing the oil, you know, in our lawnmowers, but never change the oil in our life. And you wonder why people are running hot. You wonder why they're mad. Because they're running hot. Because their viscosity is broken down. And they need some fresh oil. Because they're running on stale oil. They're running on yesterday's revelation. That wasn't even their revelation. It was somebody else's. Amen. They're running on echoes instead of a real voice. Come on, man. It was a word to them, not to you. And you've been running for the last five years on what God told them and not what he told you. And you're wondering why your life is a mess. That's why we got Christians sputtering, running around on stagnant oil in less than a half a gallon of gas of water. Amen. So I bear my burden in the heat of the day. Well, well, y'all come out of that day every now and then. Brother sputter, you got water in his tank and he got a gallon in there.


Speaker1: [00:54:58] Pull out the stick and it's just as shiny as it can be. And you wonder why you got problems. You wonder why brother Bill can fix all of it for $50. I'll give you $50 to get my yard if I have you arrested anyway. But he wants you to have fresh, vibrant oil. Amen. Because it's a new day, a new way, a new walk. You know, if you're going to leave here and go somewhere to a warm climate, you can go from here to Maui and it's going to be probably in the low mid 70s, may get up to 80. So you may not be wearing what you're wearing today. You wouldn't need that sweater. You won't need that coat. But if you headed to Alaska tomorrow, that coat you got on ain't going to work. You're going to be cold. Cold. So you go into a new place, a new way. You got to know how to be dressed in your mind. Time to quit living in the yesterdays. If the. If the only days. If only, if only I had done this. If only. If only. Brother. Brother. Sister. If only. If only we had another Smith Wigglesworth. If only we had another John G. Lake or a Kathryn Kuhlman. If only, if only, if only. But if I read my Bible says the church will go from faith to faith and from glory to glory.


Speaker1: [00:56:26] Not from faith to fear and glory to disgrace. Because the path of the just is a shining bright light that shineth more and more unto the noon day. We are the church. We are to be ready. We are to be a militant church, ready for anything, ready for any kind of change. Why? Because you live in the closing ages of the time that we're in. It's the most important time in history is the closing time. John nine four Jesus said, we must work while it's still day, because the night is coming when no man will be able to work. He wants the church to be prepared, to be ready. Like T.D. Jakes, get ready, get ready, get ready. You got to get ready if you're going to be ready. If you're going to reach the World Church, you need to be filled with fresh oil of the Holy Ghost. I mean, you just come through all the holidays, you got to see all the wonderful, wonderful relatives. And perhaps they are. Hope they are. But sometimes we get stuck. You know, people get stuck sometimes. Amen. Amen. And I'm here this morning to help you to get unstuck. Amen. Give a little push. Give a little pull. If it takes a chain or a comeback or whatever it takes, maybe just take a little nudge, a little point in the direction I don't work. I got some dynamite. You do the same thing for your automobile, your tractor or your lawnmower, right? You put fresh oil in there because the old is old.


Speaker1: [00:57:57] Now you need the new. We know the Holy Spirit is the symbolic. Of what? Oil. Is he not? And when you get oil on something, it stops squeaking. Come on. Amen. And I know we need it because I got too many squeaky Christians. Yeah. Rusted out, squeaky Christians who's walking around on no oil. Deacon, remember the Tin Man on the Wizard of Oz? They can't get the hands up during praise and worship. Why? Because they rushed it out. But they remember back in the day when the Lord moved back in 1908. And they can tell you all about what the Lord did 75 years ago, but they can't get the hand up to praise the Lord. The only thing that works is their mouth. They run it all the time. They complained about this church. That hurts, this hurts, that hurts. Everything wrong with this world, in this generation. But they know what God did, you know 240,000 years ago? Yeah, but this world's going to hell in a handbasket, as they say. I don't believe it's going to hell in a handbasket. You know why? Because you're here. I'm actively fighting. Amen. I'm anointed to fight. Aren't you? I'm anointed to kick devil booty. Aren't you? He takes orders from me, not you. He takes orders from. Well, he takes orders from you.


Speaker1: [00:59:23] He takes orders from those who know who they are in Christ. Amen. We are above. He's beneath. Amen. He's of this world. We're not of this world. He had a good thing. He lost it. He decided this isn't good enough. I mean, think about it. I'm with exalt. I mean, I mean, you've had some bad days. I've had some bad days. How many have made somewhere in your life you made a bad decision. Okay. But don't feel that bad, okay? Forgive yourself, but can you imagine having such a bad day? Brother Bill, did you say I am going to exalt my throne above God? No, that's just dumb. I mean, I mean, that is stupid. I'm going to exalt my throne above God. Don't let. Don't let him speak into your life that much. This is how he thinks. Wow. So we got all these squeaky Christians that complain about things, but then they need to get refreshed by Holy Ghost oil. Amen. Get the rust out. You need to get the 3 in 1 father, son, and Holy Ghost oil. Then all the squeaks will vanish. Then everything begins to run smoothly. Because you got fresh oil again. Today, July. Not July, but January. Thank you. I tried to stop it, brother. He tuned me. He's like No. You want it to be warm? You want it to be July? Like it or not, it's January. Amen. It is.


Speaker1: [01:00:54] It's January. Thank you though. I appreciate you helping. I almost stopped it in time, but I just, you know. There you go. Can you get an oil change in January? Can you come to Sunday morning and get an oil change? Man, you know, to get the to bring you out, to bring you in, to get new, to get new oil. You got to let the other out. That's right. You said, do I need a filter in oil? Yeah, you need all of it, man. You need a total redo. You got to let it out. Paul said. You got to forget things that are behind so that you can lay hold of what's for. Amen. Amen. Amen. So today is the day of fresh outpouring. You can have it anytime you want to. You could have got it in the shower this morning. You could have got it on the drive here. You could have got it any day this week. Maybe you did, maybe you didn't. But if not, you can get it here right now. You can just say, Lord, anoint me with fresh oil. Hallelujah. I come back to this right here. Made me think about this verse in the book of acts. You know it, don't you? Acts chapter three. He says, repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. Refreshing comes from being in the presence of the Lord.


Speaker1: [01:02:07] I said The amplifier says it this way repent, which means change your mind and purpose. Turn around. In other words, you got to go the other way. True repentance is stopping. Stopping it. Acknowledging it's wrong. Stop it. Turn around. Go the other way. Change your mind that your sins may be erased, blotted out. Wiped clean. The times of refreshing. Listen. Of recovering from the effects of heat. Reviving with fresh air may come from the presence of the Lord. When you're in that July summer and it's really hot and you're outside. And sometimes when that wind just blows for just, you know, a few seconds and comes across, you know, how good that feels when it's been really hot. Some of you have been through some seasons where things were got heated up in your life. There's some hard times and you And you need to be refreshed. You need to let it all go and let the Lord let the Lord refresh you this morning with fresh oil. Amen. Amen. I asked you, was you hungry this morning? Amen. For the hungry and for the thirsty. We need some drinkers in the house instead of thinkers. Some people just try to think life through. But you're supposed to be full of the Holy Ghost and drink. Amen. Jesus. I know that don't sound real spiritual, does it? But you understand what I'm saying. You need some people who know how to drink and drink and drink and drink and drink. Not just think. Amen. But drink. Alright. Drink of the spirit.


[01:03:56] Amen. Amen. Praise God!


Speaker1: [01:03:59] Will you come? Drink of the fountain of living water. Because revival begins in you. It starts in you. It don't start in start in your neighbor. Amen. You got to decide to yourself, I want to be revived today. Then become revival. Did you hear what I said? If you need to get revived. So I said, when's the revival going to start? You know, you go by the church that says revival tells you when it's going to end or begin and when it's going to end. That ain't revival. That's just. That's the medium. Amen. When the Lord comes and does something, he may, he he probably won't even tell you when it's going to start and you don't know the end of it. Matter of fact, I hope he don't give me an ending date. Just like it starts this day. And let's leave it open. Yeah. Yeah. Let's just leave it open. Amen. You think Brownsville Revival thought they were going to do something for five years, nonstop? My gosh. Over 3 million people come there and got saved, healed, delivered all kinds of things. You know why? Because the pastor Was not. He was. He was dissatisfied. He was not content. I said to him, and some of the men was going down to church 4 or 5:00 in the morning for two years, said, God, there's got to be more than this, God. There's got to be more God.


Speaker1: [01:05:16] There's got to be more God. Come visit us. God has got to be more than this. Please, Lord. Amen. On Father's Day, 1995, I think it was. He gave his ministry instructions. Today's Father's day. We need to get people in and get them out because they have plans. And so we're we're going to everything be a little bit shorter today. So knowing that they said, okay, well, maybe Children's Church wasn't going to do all this or they weren't going to do this. And the praise team was going to have less music and whatever, because we got to come in and we got to be out. But the Lord had a different plan since it was Father's Day. He thought it was his day, since he's the father. I have no one left because they were all on the floor weeping and crying. And for five years. Five years. Five years. Monday through Friday. Five years. People came from all over the world. Because the street happened in 1906. There was a bunch of women praying in the house who was hungry, hungry, hungry. William Seymour, a one eyed black man, came, got off the bus, wasn't even supposed to be in that side of town because of racial segregation. But he obeyed God and went there and should not have even been on the bus, much less been on that side of town. Knocked on the door. They opened the door.


Speaker1: [01:06:52] And here's this one eyed black man in their part of town. You understand? I'm just telling a story. And they looked at him and he says, I believe you're in here praying for revival. They said they looked at him and said, we are. He says, I'm the man that God sent to preach it. Praise God. Doesn't make much sense. Does it end up at Azusa Street, some old little warehouse of a thing for over three years? People would come from around the world. John G. Lake came. Smith Wigglesworth came. Everyone. Who was anyone that you ever read about in history who changed the world came to that revival because somebody was hungry. Amen. Somebody wasn't content to do church. Amen. Why are you here? Oh, someone here this morning is not satisfied. Someone in this house today has surely has a a deep cry within themselves as Lord has got to be more to life than what I'm experiencing. It may be wonderful. It may be great. We've enjoyed everything the Lord gives, but you just know there's more. You know there's more. You know there's more. It makes me think about what we end in his first book after his wife passed away. And eventually he went back to take the church over. And the Lord says, I don't want you to take the church back over. It's all he ever did. It's all he ever knew.


Speaker1: [01:08:34] He said, well, what do I do? He said, I want you to let go of everything that you've ever known, so that you can lay hold of everything that you've ever dreamed of. You know, God didn't fill in all the blanks in what that was going to look like. He says, what do I do? He said, turn the church over. Well, you say, well, okay, he could do that. Well, that's his income too. He didn't say, turn it over and I'll do this by next Friday. He said, turn the church over. We have to be willing to let go of everything that we've ever known, and the way we know it and the way we believe to do it, and how it's worked to lay hold of everything that God has in store for you. Because he has some wonderful things in store for his people, but he can only do work through people who are willing and obedient and will yield. But there has to be a level of hunger on the inside of you. Alabama has been prophesied many times over. I talked to Winnie about this several times. I said, I don't know if you noticed this. I said, but every time that you come to Alabama, you prophesy the glory. He said, yeah, I know. He said, the Lord told me. He said, Alabama is the glory state. It's her assignment. Her assignment is to be the glorious state.


Speaker1: [01:09:55] Estate. It'd be. It'd be one thing if he lived in Birmingham or Mobile or Huntsville and said it. But he lives in Wales. Amen. Amen. It's like when Pastor Busby used to travel, you know, he lived in El Dorado, Arkansas, was a pastor. And every time he'd come to Alabama, there was all these prophecies about Alabama. And he got tired of he said, well, how come we can't ever have something that says, oh, Arkansas. It's always, oh, Alabama, Alabama, he said. He said, I live in Arkansas. He said, not one prophecy about, oh, Arkansas. He said, so that's why I come over here so much. Well, where do you live? Alabama. He wants to do it everywhere, but he wants to start with someone. Amen. I wonder if we could sign up this morning. Yes. Be anointed with fresh oil. Everyone wants the more. But if you're willing to pay the price. Disciples of Jesus asked him to teach him how to pray. He said, Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who's indebted to us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever and ever.


Speaker1: [01:11:14] Amen. You know, heaven is a real place where the will of God is being done. Jesus taught him to pray, thy will be done on earth as it is being done in heaven. Heaven is a real place. Your loved ones are there. They know no depression. They know no sadness. They know they do not know what sorrow is anymore. They don't have poverty. They don't have sickness. They don't have disease. Heaven is a glorious place. The Scripture says in his presence there is fullness of joy. It's joy unspeakable and full of glory. It's not my job this morning to convince people to accept it or to enter in, I can't. My job was to set a table before you. Before you that you can come and eat. My sister makes cakes. Oh, taste and see the name of her business. They buy a cake. Her job was not to go home and make sure you consume it. She assumes that you know how to do that. Amen. My job is to set the table. I'm talking about you coming in and enjoying what the father has prepared for you today. Many people are in need of a fresh oil change. I want to read this verse. And then we'll dismiss this morning, because this is part of what has to happen where people get tripped up in this Hebrews chapter 12. And then we'll be. Through for this morning.


Speaker1: [01:12:56] Unless. The oil starts flowing. I'm leaving for a Holy Ghost vacuum to suck up the old oil. Don't get it on my green chairs. Verse one says of chapter 12. Wherefore, seeing we are compassed about with such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him, he endured the cross, despising the shame. And he sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest you be weary and faint in your mind. People faint where in their mind. The amplified says, we need to strip off and throw aside every encumbrance, every unnecessary way to improve ourselves. It says throw off the sin which does readily, deftly, and cleverly clings to and entangles you so that you can run with patient endurance to be steady and active. The appointed course of the race is set before you, the appointed course of the race. It has an appointment. You have an appointment. But the next verse, the amplified, says. Look away from all that would distract. Wonder why you have to put that in there. You mean there's some distractions? Oh, yes. Look away from all that would distract to Jesus, who is the leader and the source of your faith.


Speaker1: [01:14:54] Giving the first incentive for our belief. He's also the finisher of your faith. He brings it to maturity and perfection. He himself, for the joy of obtaining the prize that was set before him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated on the right hand of the throne of God. Well, that would be the cross would be somewhat of a distraction, don't you suppose? How did he do it? He looked beyond the cross. He saw your need. He looked beyond the cross and saw your need. But he. He looked beyond the cross. And who? For the joy that was set before him. He was able to endure and move forward. Finding your path and following your path. And not growing weary in, well doing. The only way that you become not wearying. Well, Doing it helps to be with people like precious Faith. It does. It helps to be with people who can encourage you. But I'm talking about in the days when those people aren't there. When the music team is not there to. When the days when it's hard. On the days when you don't seem to have an answer. I'm talking about the day when your body's talking to you and your mind is talking to you. And the phone call comes and that comes and this comes and it all seems to be piling in.


Speaker1: [01:16:16] I know about those distractions. What will you do then? Where will you be like in first Samuel? When they came and they were ready to stone David because they went out to pursue, or they went out to fight war, and they came back to find out their own homes had been destroyed, and all their children and wives had been taken captive, and they didn't know if they were dead or alive. And their whole city was burned and they were so fatigued from battle, and now everything that they own and their family are gone. Don't even know if they're destroyed. So they're looking at utter destruction. Imagine everything that you have that you own completely destroyed, and all of your family completely gone and out of their frustration, out of their fatigue, out of their hopelessness, out of their anger for their leader, they picked up a stone to kill their leader. And the Bible says that David saw the stones. He knew their feelings, he understood their feelings. And he said he sought the Lord would be a good time when they're ready to stone you. And the Bible says, but what he did was David encouraged himself. Amen. Because everybody else was ready to stone him, and David had to encourage himself in the Lord. And that's what we do a lot of times, is we have to we have to encourage ourselves.


Speaker1: [01:17:48] You might can put on a, you know, a music thing, or you can listen to YouTube or whatever does it for you. You read the scriptures, pray in the spirit. Sometimes you have to make yourself do a Holy Ghost dance. Come on. Alright. You don't feel like dancing. You just. You just got off the phone. If you don't have so and so by so and so we're going to come and they're like, you can hear him out here on the phone. You hold your phone out here and it's perfectly clear. You put it up here and it'll melt all the wax on the other side. Yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay. Got you got you like by you know what they want. But then you just begin to think about what the Lord has done. Amen. And you remember, he's already done it. And then you begin to encourage yourself in the Lord. You know what the x ray says? You know everything about it. You're not even arguing that it. Don't say that. But you know something different. That's right. You know, before there was a doctor, before there was an x ray, before there was anything that could detect anything. There was a God, the creator of the ends of the earth that you can call on the name of Jesus. Come on. Where Peter and John said, look on us because we got something we can give away and we give it away.


Speaker1: [01:19:11] It's going to change your life forever. Amen. Glory to God. But you don't have a Peter and John there that day. You have you. That's right. So you get to be the praise and worship leader. You get to put on the Holy Ghost dance. Come on. You begin to shout for joy. Hallelujah! And you remember that the Lord has gone up with a shout. And you got to sometimes force yourself to shout. Yes. Yes. And sometimes you gotta shout to. To lessen the lessen the voice of the doubt. A shout will erase the doubt. Yes. Amen. Hallelujah. You remember that all things are possible to him that believeth. Yes, Lord. I've been through so many hard places in life and in ministry. I remember the day, years, years, years, years ago. Remember you called me. I walked in and she said, I probably should've told you a long time ago, but I just didn't want you to have to do with all this. She said, but you're going to have to now, I said, what's the matter? She said, we need $10,000 like she showed me yesterday. Like many yesterday. And I said, wow. I mean many yesterday. I wish you told me before I run out of time. I'm past. I'm past time. You used to call it grace. Period. When no more grace. We's in trouble.


Speaker1: [01:20:27] I didn't have it. I had nowhere to go. Get it. I'm in trouble. It's a Wednesday morning. I go down in the basement of the church, and I got to begin to stir myself. I got to begin to do something. So I go down. I go down in the basement of the church, which used to be an embalming room, is again, I guess. But anyway, trying to live his destiny out. But anyway, I go down, I go down. And what was children's church now? And I begin. And I had to. She showed me all these things, and I didn't know that they was this far behind. And we was past due on this and that, and all kind of people wanted to know all kind of things, and I didn't have no answers. It ain't like I invoiced people. People come and they either give or they don't give. It's a voluntary thing. I always had a job where I knew what I was going to make, but this I do what I'm going to do and I may get paid, I may not. It's based on what you want to do. They don't feel real good. They don't feel secure in that in the very beginning. But I'm totally secure because I know now it's from the Lord itself. So I begin to talk to him about his faithfulness. It took me about 45 minutes to to to break through the natural to get to the spirit.


Speaker1: [01:21:39] You know what I'm talking about? Because the natural had me. Yeah. Amen. And I knew I had to have $10,000 that day, but I had no experience of getting $10,000 one day. And I can't even talk to anybody about it. But I didn't know anybody to talk to. But I knew a few hundred shares, but I didn't know any thousand shares. Yeah. I knew some hundred shares and we'd go have church that night. I knew the average was anywhere from 250 to 500, you know, depending on, you know, if someone had their tithe night or just offering that. But that wasn't going to be 10,000. But you know what I did? I broke through that hard place. Amen. And man, I was down there and I was having me a Holy Ghost Brush Harbor meet down there. Man, I was shouting the place down. She probably thought I was losing my mind down there, you know, and and I and I got excited. Man, I was down there preaching, and I was walking around, you know, and I said, Bless God, he's this and he's that. And I left. And man, I got to church Wednesday night and I was waiting for the prayers to hear they come out, man. He just like stoking the flames again. Said, oh, oh I didn't tell anybody anything. And I preached like a house of fire.


Speaker2: [01:22:51] Amen. Glory.


Speaker1: [01:22:54] We went home. The next morning. She went to the office. She called me. She said, well, did you know something? You know how the offering is like usually anywhere from 2 to $400. She said yes. She said, that's that's here. She said, but there's a check in here for $10,000.


Speaker2: [01:23:14] Amen. Praise God.


Speaker1: [01:23:16] And the elderly man, widow, I called him. He said, I don't know. He said, brother, the Lord told me that that the church had need of it and told me to go get it out of my savings and bring it to church tonight. He said, I never done nothing like that in my life. He said something just come all over me. Possessed me. Oh, God. Hallelujah. I think I need to go down that basement more often. I got the people who can't hear. I mean, that was work. I felt like I worked for that 10,000. They were sweating. He said something come all over me and possessed me. He said, you know, I don't know how to do stuff like that. No, know me like $4. You used to be two when you started with us, but now you got a little bit more faith. You're up to $4. $10,000. Wow, man. You know what we did? We had a LIC stamping party. Pay the bill. Look, stamp, put it in the mail. I get a phone. Say I paid you. You call me no more. I get paid in Jesus name. And I say I was riding high then, but I was riding high. That's when the devil was mounting his next attack. But that's okay. I knew where the basement was.


Speaker1: [01:24:32] That's right. I got some good memories in that building. I don't care what anybody called that building. I knew what it took to get that building. That's right. I went into the ministry with $1,000, and I've been in the ministry several times with just $1,000 in the last. Amen. We going through some hard times? Yeah. You ain't impressed me yet. Amen. I know what red ink is. Come on. But I know what coming out looks like, too. I know what victory looks like, too. And it's got a smell to it, man. Amen. Glory. You ever out there when? When they got the snake. Snake. Sorry. July. Yeah. Steaks on the grill, not snakes. I don't even know a grilled snake. Steaks on the grill, boy. They only have aroma to it. Yeah. And then you can smell it. But you want to make friends with your neighbor real quick and jump the fence. See? So medium. Eric, by the way, I'll take, like, Attaway right there. Yeah, because you can you can smell it. It can. It'll go from their yard to your yard, don't it? Yeah. Well, you go into a barbecue place, you go into Krispy Kreme. Wow, man, it's got a smell to. It's got aroma to it. Holy ghost has his own aroma.


Speaker2: [01:25:55] Amen.


Speaker1: [01:25:55] Glory, glory. He has his own walk. His own smell. He smells like victory. Hallelujah. He tastes like victory. He looks like victory. Glory to God! Glory be to God. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Jemison. The Holy Ghost is about to put on the map. Oh, yeah. Amen. He going to use all kind of people who just say yes. Map spelled backwards is Pam. Oh. Oh!


[01:26:27] Yeah. Oh!


Speaker1: [01:26:33] I'm hungry. I'm hungry. Come up here, brother. Praise the Lord. Come on up here. Let me have a man or two. In the name of Jesus. The Lord's going to set you free from all kind of stuff today. Amen. Praise the Lord in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Father, we just bless you. We thank you, Father God. In the name of Jesus. Father, I thank you. How much that you love Michael this morning. Father, you know every situation in his life. You know all the things that he has. You know all the plans that you have for him. Jesus. You know the path. Yes. Now, Lord, bring him out so that you can bring him in in the name of Jesus. I say the anointing destroys every yoke of bondage in your life. And there's today was going to be a new and a fresh day. Yes. And it's not going to be a day of just get excited for two days, because even when the excitement dwindles down, the decision that will be made this day is going to carry you through. So in the name of Jesus by the name and the authority, say the name, and by the fire of God I command the life of God, and the oil of God, the oil and the fire of God to burn up all the chaff in the name of Jesus, set him free, be delivered, and be whole in Jesus name from the top of your head to the soles of your feet, in the mighty name of Jesus.


Speaker1: [01:27:56] Ha! Thank you father. Thank you father. He's free. Thank you God. Thank you Lord. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Free in Jesus name. Thank you. Jesus. Free in Jesus name, Lord Jesus. Lord. Thank you, Lord Jesus. I believe that I receive it, I believe. Now just drink. If a man was going to be drunk, he'd have to drink. Yes, Lord. He'd have to be a partaker. So just drink in now. Now just receive. Don't give out. Just receive. Take in. Lord, he wants the more. He wants the freedom. He wants to know the presence of you. Feeling. Father God, feel him this morning with fresh oil. By the power of the Holy Ghost. Be free in Jesus name.


[01:29:13] There it is. See what? You.


Speaker1: [01:29:16] You relax. Finally. You knew you did, and I knew you didn't.


[01:29:25] Now there it is. Now.


Speaker1: [01:29:28] Now, now. There it is. He just comes in and feels.


[01:29:30] Feel, feel feel feel feel, feel. More, more. There it is. More. More. More. Jesus. Jesus. My, my, my. He relaxed. In the name of Jesus.


Speaker1: [01:29:49] In the name of Jesus. Put your hands up. In the name of Jesus. Top of your head. The soles of your feet. The fire of God comes upon you right now in Jesus name. Top of your head. Soles of your feet.


[01:30:00] Fire! Fire of God. In Jesus name. In the name of Jesus. In the name. In the name of Jesus.


Speaker1: [01:30:09] Top of your head.


[01:30:09] The soles of your feet. Head. Glory be to God. Glory be to God.


Speaker1: [01:30:24] New day. New way. New strength, new peace, new joy. The plan and the time will be made clear to you in your heart. Not that you'll know all the details, but you'll know. You'll know the direction. You'll know the direction. For today, he's putting his plan into your heart. It will come to you as a desire. You just have a desire to go this way. Then walk in that path for his.


[01:31:05] The path of the determined victory for your life.


Speaker1: [01:31:15] At all provision has been already made. Oh, glory be to God. And in that place you'll see more. And you'll know more than you've ever experienced in your life. Hallelujah. Would y'all go bring children's church down here? Because I need to lay hands on Miss Pam. Tell them they're dismissed. Unless she needs to do something. Praise God.


[01:32:02] Hallelujah. My mama.


Speaker1: [01:32:09] Thank you, Lord Jesus. Praise God. I said Praise God. Kinda. Sorta. Fresh oil. Fresh oil. Seed time. Let's pray in the spirit. Shout out to la mama. Shout out to all the city to. City to city to. City. Steam machine. To la mama.


[01:33:09] Thank you, Lord Jesus.


Speaker1: [01:33:12] Miss Pam, if you'll come up here. Praise the Lord. I'm going to pray for you. See, the Lord will find you and seek you out. For he has plans for you and designs on you and purpose in you. Now you already know that. Some things, as we said, they happened over a period of years. He'll show you one thing and it looks like it's just gone away. Like it's vanished. Like it's almost like you think he changed his mind or you heard it wrong because, like, well, what was that? And then time marches by and then we almost just forget about it. But the Lord never forgets. Hallelujah. Well, okay. Well, praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Let's just lift a hand. Father, we just bless you this morning. Glory be to God. In the name of Jesus. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Mama mama mama mama mama. Now there's an intensity that's going to begin to increase in you. It's always in you. Just. Just to obey him. To be in his will.


[01:34:47] There's such a


Speaker1: [01:34:53] A wonderful holy desire that's always in you. That's your love and your passion for him. That it just. It just draws him to you so much, and these things aren't going to diminish. They're only going to become stronger and stronger. And you're going to have a visitation from the Lord, he said. And he's going to begin to reveal some things to you, things that he's talked to you about before. It's almost like you just got the footnotes. But now he's going to write the book. And when I me visit you, I mean, he's going to visit you. So you be prepared for the visitation. And there may be some things that you can't talk about. Some things maybe you can. For he's chosen you and he's called you out by name. You're you're marked for him for such a holy purpose. But there's two things that you at least I don't know the number, but I keep hearing there's there's two things that you primarily that you've asked of him, that there's some things that you've asked him to do for you. And he said, he said, I'm going to do both of those things that you've asked of me and more. Because the only one, we're free. Can we set the others free? It doesn't mean that we can't preach the word no matter what our situation is. We can. But there's a freedom that you're going to begin to know, and that in that freedom that you have out of these situations is going to set you free to be a to be a witness to a testimony that will deliver other people out of, out of situations. So you have such a compassion for these people. And so the anointing this day in your life is going to begin to increase and it will manifest and I mean manifest. Those who you minister to. Will clearly know the Lord has has touched their life. So, father, in the name of Jesus.


[01:37:03] We thank you for your. Wow. Wow.


Speaker1: [01:37:09] We thank you for your glorious presence here this morning. We thank you for the Holy Spirit, your sweet Holy Spirit. Thank you for touching our lives. Thank you for the fresh oil this morning. Thank you, Lord, because we know in your presence there is fullness of joy. So now, father, I thank you that you'll do in all the things that you're wanting to do in Pam's and Keith's life. We thank you, Father God, in Jesus name, for the call of God upon her life. We thank you, Lord, for her faithfulness through all the years, and I thank you, Father God, that you're bringing a major increase into her life. Now. I thank you, Lord, when I place my hands upon her in the name of Jesus. I thank you, Lord, that the anointing for increase and that what you call her into it begins to increase in a mighty way. Just as Joshua had hands laid upon him by Moses, and there was a transfer from Moses. It's not me. Eric West. It's of the. It's of the Christ anointing in Jesus name. From the top of her head to the.


[01:38:15] Soles of her feet. In Jesus name. In Jesus name. Jesus.


Speaker1: [01:38:31] In your house and in your life. The supernatural has become very natural to you.


[01:38:38] Very natural. You're going from.


Speaker1: [01:38:43] Believing it to expecting it, from expecting it to just being the norm. So anything that becomes the norm to you so you can you can give to somebody else. See, these these things happen because People spend intimate time with him, not just come to church. They're intimate with him. See, this is this is an intimate talk he's had with her. If you if you had children, I wished I thought something different. But if you had children and you knew you wasn't going to live. And you only had days to make a decision, who would you leave them with? Would it matter? Be a very personal thing because you so dearly love those children. And so the Lord's going to visit you. Pam, I don't know if I've ever said that to anybody. 30 years. I don't I can't remember if I asked. You because you've kept that moment and you kept the now. You remember when Jesus's parents lost track of him for 2 or 3 days. And they come back and find him. And he said, listen, I mean, didn't you know I'd be about my father's business? Mary didn't know what to say, but it says they left there and she pondered those things in her heart. From her 12 year old son who she knew whose son it was. See my mom would have beat the tar out of me if I'd have left home for 2 or 3 days. So in Jesus name.


[01:40:53] Well baby Jesus praise the Lord Jesus.


Speaker1: [01:41:07] You're going to see things, continue to see things as as you pray because he can trust you. You won't you won't go blab it all over the place. You've already saw it before. You've prayed certain things at home, and you've come to church and watch me and others walk them out, haven't you? Just like laying down the tracks. Then the train goes choo choo. Someone has to lay down the tracks. We need the engineer who drives the train. But if someone did lay the tracks. We don't need an engineer. Everybody's important.


[01:41:52] Jesus. Praise God.


Speaker1: [01:42:00] I know it's time to go. It's past time to go. I just ain't hungry anymore.


[01:42:11] Who here?


Speaker1: [01:42:15] You think you might be the hungriest person in the building?


[01:42:20] You think you are back there with the baby?


Speaker1: [01:42:24] Who's the second hungriest.


[01:42:26] Or were you?


Speaker1: [01:42:32] If you think you're the hungriest person in the building, when you come up here real quick.


[01:42:36] It won't take much time. You think you're the hungriest.


Speaker1: [01:42:43] And you say, well, if I'm not hungry, then here's what I would do. I'd like for someone to say, I don't. I don't know if I'm that hungry. Then I'd ask the Lord to create a hunger within me. Amen. He'll he'll he'll Heel! Do it! Heel. Flat. Do it! Lester Summerall. The Lord showed him a vision of a waterfall, and people were going off the waterfall. And they were going into the fires of hell. And he wanted to do something else with his life. And God wanted him to be a preacher. And he said, I don't want to be a preacher. He said, when you get before me. He said, he said, you'll answer why those people all went to hell because I called you to preach. He said, I think I'll be a preacher.


[01:43:30] Hallelujah. Hallelujah. In Jesus name.


Speaker1: [01:43:42] I don't think anyone needs to fall. But if you do, I'll help you down gracefully. Are you going to stand behind me in Jesus name? If you need to fall, wake up. We've got good catchers behind you. But I want to lay hands on everyone.


[01:43:53] In Jesus name. That wants. Was in the name of Jesus.


Speaker1: [01:43:58] The Lord told me today, today would be that he chose this day. That's why when I called Texas, I said, I don't have no title, I don't, I don't no title. This how you going to tell this? Sick m I don't know. So in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, in Jesus name. Jesus. More. The more.


[01:44:21] The more, the more, the more. The more it is, the more. Drink drink drink.


Speaker1: [01:44:30] So he's correcting different things in each of us. Making our path clear. He knows what the enemy is erected. He knows where the beaver dam is. He knows how to blow it up. In Jesus name.


[01:44:48] In Jesus mighty name. In Jesus mighty name. Thank you.


Speaker1: [01:44:54] Father. In the name of Jesus, father.


[01:44:57] The more, the more. Oh! Jesus.


Speaker1: [01:45:08] It's not by might, nor is it by power, but by the spirit, says the Lord.


[01:45:15] Yield. Yield. Yield.


Speaker1: [01:45:26] 2025 for you will be a year of even greater aligning than ever before. And what I mean with that is, you know, is it Amos that said those two walk together? Is that what his name was? Somewhere it says, unless you say it. I'm not sure if it's the name. Unless two walk together. How can they be agreed? And for for both of you as a couple. But I'm talking to you individually right now that this is going to be a year of year of great aligning for you. His his thoughts, your thoughts, his words, your word, his action, your action, his heart, your heart, his compassion, your compassion, his authority, your authority, his strength, your strength. It's going to be a year of changing focus.


[01:46:08] In Jesus name, letting go, letting go.


Speaker1: [01:46:14] And you're already on this path. But I just you know what I mean by this is if someone says, well, show me the Lord, you could you could take a mirror and show me your face. When Jesus said, when you seen me, you seen him. Yes, that'd be true for anybody. Yeah, but I'm saying. But I just see such an aligning in you. And, you know, you're you're you're someone who doesn't. You're someone's opinion of you. If it was a negative thing, that doesn't stop you. That doesn't really. You can shrug that off pretty easy. Others have a hard time with that. But that's not that's not a hard thing for you. You can almost have compassion on them because you don't take it personal. So but I just see this year as a year of great aligning. And it's going to bring such revelation to you when you open up your heart in that way. Because what's going to happen is you didn't know until you walked through that door. And so you're going to walk into rooms.


[01:47:22] That you've never been into. But when you walk in that door, you had no idea there was more rooms.


Speaker1: [01:47:27] But you had to go through that door to see the rest of them. And that's going to cause an aligning in you to think just like the Lord. That is one of the highest compliments I know.


[01:47:37] You think like, boy, yeah.


Speaker1: [01:47:41] Let this mind be in you. You think as him.


[01:47:44] In the name of Jesus. In the mighty name of name of Jesus. What does that mean?


Speaker1: [01:47:58] Well, I mean. I'm getting all these things that it's like I get. I think it's an Isaiah, brother. Dennis. I think it's I could be wrong, but Isaiah 4817 and I could be way off. But but he said, I'm going to teach you to profit. And profit is not just in the monetary sense. Of course, it has many applications to it because see, you're you're you're someone who's, you know, you're you're you're someone and you're that the Lord is, is using you and you're becoming one who disciples others, trains others. And I know a lot of them are because it's out, like ministering to people and you're going to do that. But there's people who's actually going to going to come and want to be ministered and disciple. And that's going to be different. This I don't know so much. This is going to be someone you meet, where you go, you're going to continue to do that. I see that, but these are some people that the Lord's going to bring to you, and he's going to teach you the profitable ways of the kingdom. And you'll know, like when I'm with this person, you're going to minister this way, and it's going to be so unusual to you because even your personality will be different when you come over here, and you'll know when to swap and when to do it. I mean, I have a pastor in all the time.


Speaker1: [01:49:28] I mean, it's, you know, I'd rather I mean, me, I'd just rather go wide open down the track over here. Yeah. But sometimes the Lord pulls me away back because he has to reset one person, but he's going to teach you how to profit. He said in all things pertaining to the kingdom, he means all things in the making all things so. So you'll know how to prosper in prayer. You'll know how to prosper as the righteous One. You'll. You'll know how to prosper as a child of God. You'll know how to prosper as a Son of God and manifest. You'll know how to prosper in ministering to to the ones or to the masses, and you'll know how to prosper. And laying hands on the sick and watching them recover. The devils are subject to your name, and they know it. They know them. They know they are. So these people are going to be put in your path. You won't have to look for one of them. But but you're going more from just ministering where you go to the Lord's going to bring some people to you who want, who want to be ministered to in Jesus name. Thank you Jesus. And as I laid hands on you, I heard all as well. That's the first. That's the first thing I heard. All is well. Yeah. So what am I going to say after that? Well, all is well.


[01:50:48] All is well in Jesus name.


Speaker1: [01:50:50] So just be at peace now. Just walk in his peace.


[01:50:55] Walk in his peace.


Speaker1: [01:51:01] The footsteps are ordered.


[01:51:06] The cares cast.


Speaker1: [01:51:08] So you have no right to take the care back. It's yours now. And all things are well. And grace shall be your testimony in Jesus name. The hungry receive more and more and more and more and more. All things that pertain to life and godliness. Jesus mighty name.


[01:51:33] In Jesus mighty name.


Speaker1: [01:51:35] Hallelujah for the Lamb of God. Thank you, Lord, for increasing that hunger in Michael.


[01:51:39] Jesus. Thank you Lord. The hunger to.


Speaker1: [01:51:47] Be increased more and more that he seeks you, Lord. That you meet him in that private place, and he has fellowship with the creator of the heavens.


[01:52:00] And the earth. His own creation.


Speaker1: [01:52:05] I pray that their hunger increased more and more. Jesus, mighty man. Lord, from the top of your head to the soles of his feet. Father, I thank you, Lord, for.


[01:52:15] The hunger in there. There it is, you mighty. Are you, receiver?


Speaker1: [01:52:22] A hunger and a passion.


[01:52:30] You know, because.


Speaker1: [01:52:31] The Lord made you the way that he made you. And you have this very meticulous ways of doing things. And you like structure. And so it's you almost have the thoughts and the minds of like a person who's in engineering. They know the steps and you like to know why it works. You're not much of a just throw the dice and let's see if we can hit it. And you do that for fun, but you don't live life that way. So that. So the Lord says he's going to.


[01:53:02] Show you how things work. You'll you'll know. In other words. Okay. Thank you, Holy Ghost.


Speaker1: [01:53:10] Israel saw what God did. Moses went behind us and saw how he did it. The Lord says, I'm bringing you behind the curtain, because when you go behind the curtain and you see what he does and why he does it, that he will say, now go do what I just showed you how to do. You'll know how to do it. And when you go to that person, set him free. You'll know how they did it. You can cut someone's power on and off by your own command. By I'm uncertain. I don't know. I'm seeing, like, a switchboard. It may not be nothing like that. Okay. Like a computer or whatever. Click on the mouse click of a mouse. You're in the dark. Are you in the light? But you know. But you know. But it's like this man right here, or that man right there. And, like, you can go with him and he can go like this in your car or anything like that, but $200. And he said, you just spend 30s he said, but I spent 30 years knowing which one, which button, which thing, what screw to turn. Right. That's right, that's right. You're going behind the curtain. You'll know how they work in Jesus name.


Speaker1: [01:54:12] Top of his head, the soles of his feet. A changing and a rearranging. A changing and a rearranging. A preparation for more. A supernatural favor comes upon you this day. In the name of Jesus. And when you walk into these places, the favor goes before you, and when you leave the room, it stays in the room. The residue of the favor stays in that room and in that person that you've been speaking with. And the Lord said, I'll do this quickly, and it'll be bigger than you thought that it was. So don't be discouraged, and I'll make the path, and I'll make the way. And the increase is already here. It's yours now, so just go ahead and receive it by faith. Just take your hand and just receive. Receive your provision right now. For he's here to give it to you. It's just like he's here right now. You just take it and say thank you, father. I receive the provision, but supernatural favor is upon you in Jesus name. Thank you, Lord, and the Lord's going to give you. He's going to share ideas with you. Wow, wow. He's going to share his mind with you.


[01:55:24] Oh. Thank you, thank you. Jesus. To time. Thank you.


Speaker1: [01:55:35] Father. Father, I just thank you so much. Father, I pray the blessing of the Lord upon my brother. To me, he's foundational. He's foundational to this house. He's. He's as a pillar to this house. He is as a steel column to this building. And, Lord, I thank you. And I ask you for. Years of faithfulness. You said that you would prosper anyone and bless anyone who even gave the other one a cold drink of water who was in need. Now, father, everything that concerns him this day concerns you. Anything that needs to be changed and rearranged in his life his home, his business. Or he doesn't want to be the head of his business. No Christian businessman wants to be the head of their own company. For a Christian lord, he wants you to be the president. He'll gladly work for you. That's what he's doing anyway. But show him the Lord. The best way. The profitable way. The Lord. If you actually walked in the office on Monday and it doesn't say Nathan's painting body, it says Christ painting body. Lord. And even as he's working, Lord, he's sometimes in the wee hours of the morning. Oh, he said, Nathan, I'm always in there with you. He said, that's why you have so few wrongs. You have very little redo. Woo! Woo! Fresh oil. Fresh oil is coming into your life today. In the recovery from the heat. I don't know. I mean, there's just there's some business things that just seem like you can't get fixed. I don't know what they are. I don't know what that is. It's like there's no way right now to fix this thing. Now. Lord. What? What happens here?


[01:58:15] Wow. What happened here? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.


Speaker1: [01:58:23] See, the best thing that ever happened to me was when I took my hands off this church. You know, if I if I got up there, he said, who's in charge, me or you? Now, I know, I know, we're on the earth, and it's, you know, it's you who signs the paychecks and you who pay the bills. But in your heart and your mind, you know, he is become the copilot. And be the leader of your home. Be the leader of that business. Why? Because the Scripture says he will establish you. And when the Lord establishes you as a businessman, when the Lord establish you as the father, then the children see the father, because the Lord has established them in the community. You're established because the Lord establishes your business. The Lord stamps it himself. So I thank you, Lord, for the anointing right now that breaks every yoke of bondage off of him, off of his life, off of the things that the enemy has tried to stop him. Lord, bring restoration, fullness of Wholeness of restoration into his life. I speak strength into his body. Healing and wholeness. Prosperity and increase. In Jesus mighty name. Lord, order his footsteps 2025 year. Be the best year his entire life.


[01:59:46] Wow wow wow wow wow wow. Jesus Jesus Jesus. Wow wow. I heard the Lord.


Speaker1: [01:59:59] Say to me to say this to you. He said, if you'll allow me. He said, I'll take every misstep that you've taken. He said, in this year I'll make it all up if you'll give it to me. If you'll choose my way, I'll take every. You know we've all taken things. You know. When you get to be a certain age. You say I can't do a five year wrong step redo. I've run out of them five years. So he'll make up every path that we took that took us down. It took us too much time to come back to start. That's amazing. What what restoration. I want that Lord to. I want that Lord. Let me have that too. I'm being greedy, I know I am.


[02:00:42] Every misstep in the Lord's going to take that.


Speaker1: [02:00:48] And he's going to remove it from you. That means relationships are going to be restored. That means in physical body. In other words, where you would have been, where any of us would have been if we'd never taken that misstep, he can take that which is meant for evil and turn it for good. Jesus mighty name. Wow, man. My lord. So, father, I just bless. You. Just carry me in Jesus name. Father, I speak blessings upon her life upon her body in Jesus name. Lord, her heart and her mind. I thank you for supernatural peace, for the joy of the Lord. Who renew her strength like the eagle. Yeah. Letting go. I, bringing you out so he can bring you in to the fullness. For of his fullness you have received peace and joy. Hallelujah! That you will fulfill the number of your days with joy. And as Paul said, he has finished his course with joy. You have not finished yet. So you must go forth. But you will go forth in a new strength, and with a new purpose. And every day you'll wake up and you'll worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords, for he is with you. He's never left you, nor will he ever leave you nor forsake you. Jesus. Mighty name. Jesus mighty name. Jesus. Mighty name. Amen. What is that, Holy spirit? I don't know what this is, but, you know, like, we have natural desires for certain things we eat and our appetite, but we also have spiritual appetite.


Speaker1: [02:02:59] And the Lord's just it's almost like hitting a refresh like you can't do on your phone computer. Refreshing. But the Lord's giving you a different appetite for some spiritual things that you cared about. But that wasn't what you were doing. And you would think, well, you know, past a certain age in my life. I mean, what's he doing all this new stuff for? Oh, he doesn't see age because he could do more in your life in a week than you could do in 15 years. So, father, whatever those things are that you're going to make, are keen to heighten them. Enlighten them to her. She would have a spiritual appetite for the things that you would have her to have that appetite for, for the purpose that you have in Jesus mighty name, in Jesus mighty name. Father, I bless my brother in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah! I heard the Holy Spirit say, don't forget anything that has been spoken over your life. For there is close to me those words that's been spoken over your life there for me. And I watch over my word to perform it. And I am not a not a man that I should lie. And I will keep my oath to you. And great shall be the day that you're in a day of strength.


Speaker1: [02:04:29] A day of might. A day of great wisdom and understanding. Of how to operate in your call. To walk the path that he's called you to. And understanding of how to do that profitably in the Kingdom. I mean, it's like it's almost like. And I'm not liking this to where you are, but it'd be like someone jumping grade, just like you're going from the seventh grade, but you've advanced so much to go ahead and put you in the senior class. It's almost like you're the only seventh grader in there with tall people. But there you are. Because the the promotion doesn't come from the north or south, the east or the west. It comes from him, he says. Psalm 75 promotion comes from him. Hand? He said, I'll take one down to raise up another. Why did he do that? Because the one who was there did not do the things the Lord asked him to. He didn't do the he. He didn't walk the ways of the kingdom. He didn't walk the ways of the Lord said the Lord had to remove him, but he had to have someone in his place. And you're a guy that's stepping into that place right now, in Jesus name. Wow. Let go of everything. Let go of everything. So that you can lay hold of everything that he has for you and your family in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, Lord.


[02:06:05] Praise God. Feel, feel feel feel.


Speaker1: [02:06:13] 2025 will be a be a great a year of fulfillment of his promises, the fulfillment of the call on your life. The time that he hit the stopwatch or the watch and said go time. So the Lord starts you right now in Jesus name, to walk in what he's called you into. And now you'll start and your path will begin. Well, it's already begin. But formally begin. Formally. It begins this year. This year, this. This is the year of fulfillment for you. This is the year. The time. The time has said. This is the date. This is the time. This is the hour. Fulfillment of many things. Things that you've prayed for. Things that he's spoken to you about, things that others have shared with you. Things that you've told no one. Things that you don't even think you need to tell anyone but the Lord knows. And you won't minister to tens or 20s or 50s. You minister to masses. Any parent wants to see their child do more than what they did. They should. So this is something. This is him. But some of me in it. This is him, but some of me in it. You'll far surpass me. But you'll be running with your tongue. Hanging out to catch me. In Jesus name. Hallelujah. Because I ain't through yet. Well. Praise God. And. It's like being in that draft, you know, at the Talladega. They get there, there in that draft. But somewhere they got to come make that move. If they're going to get the they're going to win. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Well this concludes our 18 minute service which fixes everything in your life. Thank you Jesus. What's your favorite 18 minute movie?


[02:08:48] Oh that's crazy Oh, please. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Speaker1: [02:08:58] What's your favorite 18 minute football game? Sometimes. You got to go, Longhorns. Wait 35 minutes to even get in the door and get seated. Then you wait on your food. Hallelujah!


[02:09:17] Thank you Lord. Glory to God. Well. Thank you.


Speaker1: [02:09:27] Brother Keith, would you come up here a moment? Thank you. Would you just receive the offering this morning?


Speaker3: [02:09:41] Father, we thank you for a great day today at Grace Love Church. Thank you for our pastor. Thank you that he was anointed today. I thank you for the mighty words that you spoke through him. Thank you. Right now, as we as we give, we also get ready to receive. And we receive every word that was spoken. And we receive the harvest on what we give today. In Jesus holy name. Amen.

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