
Wednesday Prayer Meeting | 8Jan2025

Wednesday Prayer Meeting | 8Jan2025
2025.01.08 wed prayer meeting FRMP3.mp3.
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Speaker1: [00:00:00] I have a I have just a little something here I want to and I'll just read it to you. It's only it's only about 10 or 15 minutes worth of tops on here that I want to go back and read part of a prophecy that took place. And then if we have time, maybe we can pray just a minute. Or is it okay to pray on Wednesdays? I don't know, yeah, but this is the. Well, you know, we we're only supposed to pray like, you know, two twos. I don't know if it's allowed. When I grew up, they used to call Wednesday night church prayer meeting. Is that what they call it? Y'all? You don't mean when we prayed, it just means it's y'all going to prayer meeting and we say, yeah, but we didn't pray, so I don't know why they call it a prayer meeting, but if you went back and asked their parents, they would know why they called a prayer meeting because they were praying, right? So this is just some things I want to share with you. So we're we're so we're here by divine appointment, not just tonight. I mean, we're just here in this time. We know we're talking about A couple services ago. Then we covered some other things this this past Sunday. So we're here by divine appointment in this hour as a church. And in this time we're here as individuals. We're not here by coincidence. We're here by design.


Speaker1: [00:01:19] It's. It's his appointment. It's deliberate. It's not wasting time. And God's always about purpose. So we talk more about purpose on Sunday. He is more passionate than all of us in the room combined. But we are his partners. This this evening. Tonight we are here to conduct Kingdom agenda. We are the conduits. This is just some things I wrote down this afternoon. We are the conduits for the Holy Spirit to pour himself through. The answer is not out there. The answer is not floating in the universe. The answer is in you. The answer is in all of us. For the plan, the purpose, the time and the resources and the And the strategies. So we look inside. We draw from the well that never runs dry. Jesus summed it up by saying, out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water. Rivers, which means multiple rivers which are streams of life, which are streams of strategy, which are prophetic gifts and operation for a miracle flood time. I don't know why I wrote that, but for a miracle flood time. What is the season? What is? Where is the harvest? Right? See, not only to give you wisdom of what to do, but he'll give you the strategy to do it right. I mean, it's one thing, you know, when you don't know what to do. But we got to find out what to do. We got to nail that down. But then what is the strategy to do it? Because you can have the right plan, but you can have the wrong strategy.


Speaker1: [00:02:53] I mean, if you look at large corporations or don't have to be real large, but large corporations, you know, they have a they you know, they have the vision statement, but then they have a vision strategy so that, you know, it's another form of right to vision, so that when we see it, we can run with it. But if we don't know what the vision is, and then how can we come together as a people to see it come to pass? So what is what is the season or what's your season? Where is the harvest? Ripe. That was the question the Lord asked me in the year 2000. He said, do you know where the where the harvest is ripe in your city? And I said. I paused and I said, well, I mean, I knew enough, you know, not to just ask a bunch of questions. I mean, you know, when I, when I got started, I just do a lot of talking. And I found out that was foolish. So when he asked me a question, I just go, I don't know anything, you know? So he said, do you know where the harvest is ripe in your city? And I said, I don't know, Lord, just tell me, he said. But but then he said, do you want to know? Well, I already said, I don't know, Lord.


Speaker1: [00:04:06] Tell me, he said, but do you want to know? And I said, I do. He said, are you sure? I said, yes. He said, go get your Bible because I was outside and I you know, I won't go through all the story. But you remember I was complaining, I was I was complaining, you know, that we only had about 100 people and, you know, the finances, you know, hadn't reached a half a million yet. And I was complaining about all that. And he said, I'll fix that for you. And he did. He said, now you okay now? But, you know, I was that was that was that was 25 years ago. You know, I was five, six years old doing these things. And so he said, do you want to know where the harvest is ripe? So, so he so he told me where the harvest is ripe. And he said, are you interested now? He said, I've had this conversation in your city and your county with a lot of lot of fellow ministers who's asking the same questions. He says. So now, now that you know where the harvest is ripe, are you are you still interested? And that's where the message came from first, Samuel, where, you know, David is in the cave of Adullam. And then who came to him? Those he was in debt, those who was discouraged, those who was discontented. And the Lord made him a captain over the three d crowd.


Speaker1: [00:05:34] Well, the same time that happened back in 2000, I was outside of the church in Clanton. I was doing something and and I just all of a sudden, I mean, I was it was some type of yard work. And I remember I was bending down and I was doing something I was doing, I was pulling a weed. I don't know what I was doing, but I heard just as a clear bell. Go in the office and call Bill Ferris and ask him to come to the church as quick as he can come. Well, it's not like I would have Bill Ferris that often. And I said, and I heard him and I said, okay, I'll, I'll do that. And I went back to do what I was doing. He said, I said, do it now. I said, you mean like right now? He says, right now. Okay. So put your stuff down. Go in the house right now. So I went there and I called him and. I called him and he says, well, good to hear from you. He said, the Lord told you to call me, didn't you? And I said, yeah. And he says, you, you're going to ask me to come to church because he told you I had a message for the church. I said, yeah, he said, I do. He said, I drove by there two days ago, and the Lord and the Lord told me to write this down.


Speaker1: [00:06:46] And you'd be calling me real soon. Be calling me this week. So when he got to the church, he said a number of things he things, he said. He said if this church had kind of like a a name or like a, you know, like a what we might call not a nickname, but, you know, whatever you call it. He said, I know this this won't sound really. This won't sound fun to y'all. I mean, you you may take this as, you know, not a compliment. He said he might call this the cave. And everyone looked like, whoa! And they said, well, if you will go to first Samuel. And then when he did that, he went to the verses that the Lord shared with me. He says, he said, the Lord has called this church to reach the three D crowd. Those who's in debt, those who are discontented, those who's distressed. This is the three D church. This is the cave. This is the place that people will come. The most unusual people. And they're they're going to be willing to come to the most unusual places to be ministered to. He says your ministry probably will never be conventional. He says, and I mean that as a compliment. He said, I don't know when it'll take place, he says. So. David's ministry really got birthed. It really took off in a cave. Not not, you know, not on the throne. God chose him, but, you know, it was, gosh, how many years was it? 20 years.


Speaker1: [00:08:08] I don't know what it was. I forgot before David ever took the throne. It wasn't like, you know, the prophet went down there and knowing him and he on Tuesday and he was there Wednesday afternoon and kicked Saul off the throne. And he thought, and he was trying to find him and kill him. And so he was he was it was years later, but, you know, in the cave. And that's where Saul came, you know, trying to find him and take his life. But they found out he was there, and all the people that were distressed in debt and discontented came. And if you ever do a study on that which that led me to do a study on it, it became one of the most powerful armies that you find anywhere in the scriptures was David's. And they was, 300 men, and generally it actually grew beyond that. But there was 300 people and it just grew mighty. But it came from people who was discontent. They weren't satisfied. Okay. So they weren't satisfied. Remember that? So here it says, I wrote down Jesus summed it up by saying, out of your bellies will flow rivers of living water. A wisdom strategy, prophetic gifts. Operation miracle, flood time. What's the season? Where's the harvest? Right. Will you recognize it? Help us gather the harvest. Give us supernatural favor to think heavenly minded outside the box. Give us supernatural boldness to to be kingdom agents.


Speaker1: [00:09:34] Eradicate complacency. Get small thinking out so that we can think. We can think. We can think large and small places. God brought Abraham out of the tent to share his big idea of generations, looking at the stars and the sand under his feet. You are the solution sent by God to this generation. You're not a spectator. You're an engager. You're an interceder. Intercedes. Intercessors. We engage as or as intercessors we engage. We get into the messiness of life, the messiness of the present culture. We create atmosphere, not adapt to it. We get God's will and make a stand. We see it through. James 516 says the earnest, heartfelt, continued prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available, dynamic in its working. Something. Lance Wallnau. Wallnau said. He said, recognize that you are in the greatest assignment moment of your life. He said he said America has unfinished assignments in the Earth. And so do you, and so does the ministry. So you can either choose to stand up or we can choose to stand up, step up, or step through. Notice I didn't give you a stand down. No. It's yours. You can stand up, step up and step through. Because he's ready. He's the head of the church. And his spirit is is our partner and empowerment. You are living in the Ephesians 320 moment. He said that the beginning of last year he said, prepare yourself and prepare me a place, and I will come.


Speaker1: [00:11:14] And so last and that's all from that. So you're talking about people who's not content. You're talking about people who see things differently, and you got people who's not just, you know, on church mode and casserole mode. I want to talk to you about a group of people. You may have heard of them, I never did. Came across this about a week or two ago. And it's a true story. It's about a century ago, and it's it's a it's about a group of people, and they named it because of what happened with these people. It's called pack your Coffin. You ever heard that? It says it's not very long. True story. Said a century ago, a band of brave souls became known as one way missionaries. They purchased single tickets to the mission field without the return half. Instead of suitcases, they packed their few earthly belongings into coffins as they sailed out of port. They waved goodbye to everyone they loved, and they waved bye to everything they knew because they knew they would never return home. A.w. Milne. Milne was one of the missionaries. He set sail for the new hybrids in the South Pacific, knowing full well that the headhunters who lives there had martyred every missionary before him. But Milne did not feel fear for his life because he'd already died to himself. His coffin was packed, but for 35 years he lived among the tribes and he loved the people.


Speaker1: [00:12:56] When he died, the tribe members buried him in the middle of their village and inscribed the epitaph on Milne's tombstone. It says this when he came here there was no light, and when he left here there was no darkness. Wow. That's powerful. Buried him in the middle of the village. He said. Milne said in his lifetime, he said, when did we start believing that God wanted to send you to a safe place to do easy things? That that faithfulness is holding the fort. That playing it safe is safe. That there's a greater privilege than sacrifice. That radical is anything but normal. Jesus didn't die to keep us safe. He died to make you dangerous. Faithfulness is not holding the fort. It's storming the gates of hell. The will of God is not an insurance plan. It's a daring plan. The complete surrender of your life to the cause of Christ is not radical. It's normal. It's time to quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. It's time to go all in and all out for the. All in all. That was his belief. Sound like he backed up his belief with action, didn't he? And he, you know, like I said, he didn't know when he got there because everyone before him, they killed him. They didn't kill him. He lived there 35 years. And so you know, last when we had the summit meeting here last year and and when was here and the stone throwers was here.


Speaker1: [00:14:38] I was reminded today late in the afternoon because I had to ask, you know, about the transcript for this thing. I mean, it wasn't me thinking about it. I just he said, go back and watch that and and and get down what was said. And in the prophetical words he said. And then and then pray over it. You know, pray over these words he said, because you're here now. Pray over these words. Well you know, they came last year in almost like the year before at the time of Rosh Hashanah, where, you know, it's actually the Hebrew change of the year. It's not, you know, as you know, I mean, it's not it's not January. I mean, you know, if we're saying, man, I'm getting ready to go with God as he's getting ready because I know God's ready to go on January 1st. It would be like if he was going to follow someone to, to, you know, the Grand Canyon. And they took off in September and you start on January 1st. They probably going to beat you there. I mean, I'm just thinking I'm thinking they're going to be there before you get, you know, off the highway. And so this is what was said. And this was the the September, the Sunday evening service. And so it is during after praise and worship. And then Sandy came up. And I'm not going to read all of this, but she was talking about Abraham and how she was talking about faith and how his faith, you know, grew stronger and how he, you know, he didn't complain and he didn't waver.


Speaker1: [00:16:13] But then she says, she says, but I want to give the word the Lord gave me for the church. And I know, I know a handful of ministers that that that know Sandy and Marla, but on the, in the prophetical realm and and anyone subject to miss it because there's a human side to all of us. The gift is perfect, but it has to, you know, flow through an imperfect vessel. So, I mean, you know, you can, you know, if you speak, if you speak country and you're prophetic, it's going to come out country. But if you know you're from Chicago, you know it's not going to come out like you're born in the banks of the Mississippi. It's going to come out. It's going to sound different. It'll pick up that person's personality and their mannerisms. Right. And so the gift is perfect. But, you know, the vessel that flows through is not always. But there's one thing that most people who's ever had Sandy, would all say in common. They said she has been one of the most accurate prophetic words that we've ever had. He said when she ministered to our people, it's like we wrote a a transcript of herself and said, and here's a picture.


Speaker1: [00:17:19] When you get up there, say this. Pastor just said this, and I hope you won't take this is whatever. But they said, but what we noticed is when God speaks to us through her, these are pastors. They said the Lord seemed to like these people better than we do, as if they they haven't been doing anything wrong. And I said, I said, well, thank God for that, Because if he likes him, he likes you and me too, because we hadn't done it all right either. And I said, yeah, well, I guess so. But anyway, so this is what she said. She said, I'll give you the reference. I want to give the word that the Lord gave me for this church. She said, I'll give you the references and you can write them down because I'm going to I'm going to go to, to reference Mark, and I'm going to reference Luke, and then I'm going to release the prophetic word of this house. Mark two one through 12 is the story of his friends who left their sick down from the roof at the feet of Jesus. And and then it says it says. And again he entered Capernaum after some days, and it was heard that he was in the house. To watch Jesus. Then the first thing people are about to hear is he's in. She said, this is that's the first thing that people are going to hear about this house. And immediately many gathered together so that there was no longer room to receive them and not even at the door.


Speaker1: [00:18:44] And he preached the word. That's key, she said. Sandy said he preached the word. Then they came to him, bringing the paralytic, who was carried by four men. When they could not come near him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where he was, so that when they broke, when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying. And when Jesus saw their faith. And then she says, not the paralytic faith. She said, you got to grab this. When he saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, son, your sins are forgiven you. Be healed now. Now she's the same story in Luke's account in Luke 517 when it says, now it happened on a certain day, as he was teaching, there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by who come from every town of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem, and the and the power of the Lord was present to heal them. And then Sandy says, now we haven't even heard about anybody being there yet. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law and the Bible says, the power of the Lord was present to heal them. She said, the power of the Lord was present to heal the lawmakers. The power of the Lord was present to heal the Pharisees. The power of the Lord was present to heal the judges.


Speaker1: [00:20:07] The Criticizers. The power Lord was already in the house, ready to heal the criticism. She said, I hope you get this. And then, behold, men brought out of the bread the man who was paralyzed. The same thing. They then removed the tiles of the roof. They broke open the roof to let the friend down. And God is speaking to this house to to she talking about representing here the church. And God is speaking to this house in this hour, this house will become known as their Faith house. A house is willing to go higher, to rip off and knock down all the limitations. Keeping the sick and the maimed and the hurting, the broken in body and soul from being able to access Jesus Christ. As you make a way to bring them in, the love of Jesus will manifest, bringing total healing and wholeness. But we have to be willing to remove the limitations from some people so that they can get to the feet of Jesus. Then I think she's talking to Michelle and I for a moment. She said I said the father says, I've seen the cost. The two of you paid in your own body, your own family, and your church family as you have sought me first before you ever moved. I am bringing restoration of all in a fresh, new way, and all of us will go forth in the purpose of God for this house.


Speaker1: [00:21:36] The people will begin to take a stand with understanding of what house they belong to. And they will move in sync as one into the cloud of the fire of my path that I am forging. I have prepared you for this time. The foundation has already been laid in the past 14 years and the house has been made, has been made ready. Then she said to me, what's 14 years? Does that mean something to you? And because I heard 14, she said, does it mean something? And I just nodded. Yes. She said, okay, all right. Because she said I was going, Lord, I really don't want to put that number in there. Can I just say that these last several years? And he said no. So she said, I put 14 in. Okay. Then she said, that's good. Thank you Jesus. He said, I will not leave you talking to us, the church. I will not flail frail. I will not waver. But you will stand firm and strong, as I have shown you what will be. Together we will go forth into unseen places, and we will bring light to the salvation that the spirits of mammon and confusion have kept had kept hidden. I am dealing with the spirit of Jezebel within, within my people. And the Spirit of Jehu is bringing her down. As you walk in obedience to my word, only what man has said is impossible. I say have already completed and the manifestation is now.


Speaker1: [00:23:13] I am canceling contractual contractual debt of my people, as many have made contracts even with the devil, and kept evil doors open in their lives, giving legal access for all kinds of infirmity, lack and confusion as they didn't even realize it. But I'm bringing them back to the truth of my covenant of love. Walk with me as I take joy in watching my family live out the promises of my word. Now is the time to make ready my people for the return of my Son, Jesus Christ. That I love and kiss you with my favor. And then, then Sandy, because I watched it first. Then she went out and ministered to people you know, for a few minutes, and then wind came up and then the wind came up after she gave that word, went out there and ministered to people. And then she turned it back over to him and he said he said, I want to say something to the Holy Spirit is saying to me, I want to add to the word for the church here, but this is a word that you'll know this. This is for you in your spirit. When I said I grew up in the 50s, and I can remember the early days, all the films were coming over from America being shown in on television, and it was the cowboy and the Western seasons. And, you know, I was fascinated by shows like Rawhide and all the things I can remember seeing some of them.


Speaker1: [00:24:38] Talking about the showing, the where and where the railroads were being. Taken across the country. And the trains were coming to get across the country. And there was always there was always Indians involved in trying to stop them because they didn't want the fight, because they didn't want that pioneering spirit, as it were, to lay the the railroad tracks, because if they laid the railroad tracks, they knew that it was they knew that was it. Because when the tracks started, but because when the train started to move, nothing was going to stop it. And so I declare to you today that you have a pioneering spirit in this house, and those of you who are here, even from other places, have a pioneering spirit. I'm telling you now, the grace of God is upon you to pioneer and do something that's never been done before in a way that it's never done before. And the railroad track is laying down the agenda of God. And it is it is saying, I will I will not do what's been done before. The railroad track is laying down the agenda. It's saying, I will not I will not do what's been done before. I'm going to do exactly what God has said to do how he said to do it. Because it's it's a brand new season now. Now remember, this is September. This is, you know, right there at Rosh Hashanah, the new year.


Speaker1: [00:26:08] This there's a this is the new season. There's a brand new word. There's a brand new song. There's a brand new anointing. There's a brand new everything. And he's saying, I want you to pioneer. I'm going to give you the task of pioneering. I'm going to go into places where. And you're going to go in places. And he pointed to me. At this point. I watched the video, and you're going to go into places where it looks as though it's busy in the natural. But I want to tell you, it's spiritually barren, and I'm going to take you and I'm going to lay down those tracks with you and you're going to get flak. I'm glad that's never happened. Enemies coming against you to distract you and try to stop you, and they'll criticize you. But the Lord says, keep doing it, because every time you lay down the track and lay down a bit more track and lay down a bit, there comes a time when the track has got to where it needs to go, and then my train will start to come and there'll be no stopping this move of God. It will not stop until it reaches its destiny, and it's destined in its destined time. And I'm telling you, it's going to go from from here for you. In other words, he's just going to, you know, he was talking about starting and then going starting here. Going. It's going to go from here to the north, south, east and west.


Speaker1: [00:27:32] It's going to go to every situation. God is going to give you the anointing to raise up pioneers because you have a pioneering spirit. And some people say you don't, but but you do. You have something in your spirit that's not content with church as it's always been. Just him talking to me still, at this moment. You want to see what God wants to do. You want to have what God wants you to have and you want to launch something. But this applies to you as much as it does me. And I know you have a spirit inside of you that wants to take the nation, to take the region and take the states. And I'm telling you that there's an anointing right here. Now, I want to repeat what I said this morning because of one line. And then we're going to pray. Therefore, I have also have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus. See, people have heard of your faith. He pointed to all of you. People have heard of your faith. Yeah. It's called demons who've heard of your faith. Yeah, they've heard of your faith. Yeah. Terrified of you. Yeah, but they're hoping you're not going to move. They're hoping that you will not pioneer. They're hoping you're going to be able to be contained where you are. I want you to know God is not happy with contentment. He's not happy with us being in that place where we just stay within the four walls and that's it.


Speaker1: [00:28:58] That's what we've always done. God said, I'm going to knock your walls out, and I'm going to lift the roof off, and I'm going to take away the doors. And I want you to flood this community I want. I want you to flood the communities around you with my glory. And do not cease giving thanks for you making mention of my prayers. I want to tell you right now, Gwen and I will be praying for you wherever you are. Whatever your. Excuse me, whatever you're doing. You might not hear from us, but I'm telling you, God, our father will hear us. About this word I'm giving over you, I will not, I will not let it go. I will not back off of it. This is when I will not shrink back from it. We will not stop until we see this come to pass in your life. Because we are committed to you, to you, us. All of us. We want to see what God wants to do in this land. Amen. Amen. Yeah. Well, that that the God of all, Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory. The father. The word father here means author, source, the source of glory. And that means there's no better place to go to, is there? You're going to get everything you need from the father. He'll give it to you.


Speaker1: [00:30:15] He wants to give you something. The spirit of wisdom. Revelations in the knowledge of life. I don't think there's nothing else I really need to read. Not really. It does good to to keep if you have a file or something to keep prophetic word spoken over your life, because the way we measure time three months, six months, a year go by and we'll totally forget about it, you know, because it's been a year and, you know, a year is a long time to the Lord. I mean, that's like 365 days. I mean, that's a long time to the Lord. You know, because he was born in, what, 1989 or something, you know, so it's no so the way we measure time then, then we can forget about things. But he hasn't forgot. Now we have we have about 20 minutes and thereabouts, 15, 20 minutes. And I don't want to keep you because, you know, I know it's cold. It's going to get a bit colder and all that. So and we want to stay within the time frame. We got school tomorrow. Kids do. He said. Ask the people to pray. He said this word that I spoke. In other words, it's kind of like it's like a no recipe. Then you'll go and stir it up and you'll taste of it again. He said, because that's that was spoken to them, that was spoke by my spirit to their spirit. And he says, and it will stoke the flames again.


Speaker1: [00:31:51] He said, just take a few minutes to pray about what was said. The their what's Endicott the their their faith. What? Their faith house is what you know. And then she says some other words. You know this. But if you fully obey what God wants to do in your life. I don't know any exception to what I'm about to say. If I find one day there is one, then I'll tell you. But there's no exception to what I'm about to say. If you fully obey what God wants you to do with your life, you will disappoint some people. You will awaken demonic spirits who will come to stop if they can and frustrate and distract you. Bring all kinds of situations, if they can, into your life. No need to worry about them. God won't give you a spirit of fear. But not everyone is going to agree with you. Not everyone is going to like you. You're not going to be everyone's favorite person. Have you all figured that out? But But the Lord will be completely pleased with you. And he'll add people to you where that vision is concerned, who have the same thing in their heart. They may not know what it is, but when they hear it, the vision. Then they'll say, yeah, that's what it is. I didn't I couldn't have said it that way, but that's that's what it is. And then they'll be all in. And then there's all the provision that goes with it and provision that I don't mean just monetary.


Speaker1: [00:33:37] I mean that's that's included. But I'm talking about every part of the vision. And so every one of you has something in your life that you're, you know, you're you're considering changes. That has to come. Keith said not too long ago. And I think we maybe came in prayer, I can't remember, but but when he said it, I made a mental note of a mental note of it. Because it's personal to him, because it's personal to him. And I've been connected to him and his parents for years. And what matters to him matters to me. He said. The power company is thinking about, you know, moving Birmingham north, and I'd have to go north every day when that's more miles. And and that's not too convenient with me. So if they don't, if they go that way. As far as I know, I ain't going that way. But then he said, but I don't know yet what I'm going to do. Well, I'm thinking he's thought about that one more time since he said that. Now, I hadn't called him, texted me every day and said, I'm praying about that with you. But I said, I never forgot that because that's important to him. And so because it's important to him, and the father perfects those things that concerns you, it's important to us. And the Lord is going to perfect that and make that, you know, a really good situation for you.


Speaker1: [00:34:52] I just know that he will. And so we're just, you know, we're just that's what faith does. It's just. And so what we're going to do is if we can, we're going to lay down some tracks tonight in prayer because the Holy Ghost train is fixing to roll through. Chicka chicka boom chicka boom boom boom chicka boom. And some of y'all need to put down some more tracks. And, you know, because sometimes you feel like you say, well, nothing's moving. Well, maybe it's the train can't move because you don't have any more tracks. Mark said, you know, he found out he was behind in prayer. So he asked, Lord. He said, well, he says, oh boy, I see. I hadn't prayed like I was supposed to. Now I'm in trouble. So he asked the Lord when he was in that situation over, he said, if you can be behind in prayer, can you be ahead in prayer? He said, you sure can. And that's where Brother Hagan he said, Brother Hagan, he said, I had to go talk to him about my situation. He said we were so far behind in prayer about this, this and this that, that cost us. And Brother Hagan told Mark, he says, Mark, you don't have to be behind in prayer. You can be ahead in prayer. And that's where the statement comes, he said. So if you don't pray it out, he said, if you pray it out, you can walk it out.


Speaker1: [00:35:58] But if you don't pray it out, you work it out. You've heard me say that many times. That's what it came out of that situation. So Mark said, he said, I learned a lesson from then in I am not. I am tired of working situations out. I'm a prayed out, then I'm a walk it out. So we're going to let the train. We're going to let the tracks go down. God has an agenda for us individually. Church family. Corporately planned vision for your life. But he said, just take a few minutes to pray about this. Of what you heard me speak about. And he will stir it up again, you know. In other words, we're just putting back in remembrance of what was said in this room by the spirit. Just a few months ago, on the turn of the Hebrew calendar. Okay, so you got to send him a good Hebrew praying music. Now, I don't know if. You. Let that play a little bit quieter. But the Bible says, speaking unto yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord. So every one of us has a melody on the inside of you. You have a river on the on the inside of you right now in the name of Jesus. So why don't we just take a moment just to worship the Lord and just thank you. Speaking unto yourselves. Psalms. Hymns and spiritual songs.


[00:37:33] Melodies. Odes sometimes meant poems.


Speaker1: [00:37:39] Because there's a there's a word on the inside of you. So, father, we bless you right now, tonight. We thank you, sweet Holy Spirit, for your presence. That's here right now. We thank you, Lord, for the plans and the purposes and the pursuits that you have, and the designs that you have upon your people.


[00:38:00] Each one, each family and corporately and and through this church.


Speaker1: [00:38:07] And we submit, we yield. We give our all. We give our life. We lay down. For we've already died in Christ. And so we are honored. We are honored to take the place that you have.


[00:38:22] Called us to each one. And so we we.


Speaker1: [00:38:28] We speak by the spirit. In the name of Jesus. See to my time. I see my time. Unto the Lord. We minister to him in. In acts chapter 13 it says, and they ministered to the Lord. And as they ministered to the Lord, the Holy Ghost said, separate unto me Paul and Barnabas, for the work whereunto I called them. So as we minister to you tonight, as we minister to the Lord, not to one another at the moment, but as they ministered to the Lord, it created an atmosphere that the Holy Ghost spoke and said, separate me now, for I have need of these two over here for the work whereunto I have called them. And so there is a there is a, there is a coming together at this moment, and there is a ministering and yielding unto him, and the Holy Ghost is causing a separation. Separate me. Separate me from old plans, old ideas, old thought patterns, and sometimes even certain people that does not belong. Maybe they did for a while, but it's a new time. It's a new way. You're walking a new path. Now for the work whereunto I have called you. Thank you. Father. So, father, we thank you right now. And Lord, I just pray over each situation as it comes closer to that time. I thank you, Lord, that you have already worked out the details. It's already done. It's a good plan. It's a great plan. It's a wonderful plan. And so, father, we just thank you right now that the blessings of the Lord is upon him and Miss Pam. In the name of Jesus. Lord, it's not a step back. It's not a cut back. It's not a draw back. It's not a set down or a setback.


[00:40:17] It's a propulsion of things moving forward. It's an increase, Father God.


Speaker1: [00:40:23] And it's an increase that's easier. That he will enjoy that it was always the plan because he's not content to walk that way. And there's people who are doing things even in our midst tonight that you're doing things, but you're not content doing it. You're not content with the way they are. You're hungrier than other people. You want more than others. You see more when you pray, when you read the word, and just on the inside of you, God made you. For the more. There's more in you that hasn't been revealed yet. There's much more in you that has that is greater than any day that you've ever experienced until this day. So right now, in the name of Jesus, we just ask the Holy Ghost just to show us the more and show us the next plan. Show us the purpose. Show us the next step. Help us by the Spirit of God, blessed by delay. More tracks. So the Holy Ghost choo choo can come on through his son. Did he be blinded by the Messiah? Seen? Ma ma ma ma ma. Ma ma. Ma. Blinded for the Lord does a quick work. Show the time. And he said, then you'll come to me. And he says. And I'll send you out as I sent, as Jesus sent his disciples out, he sent out. Two then he sent out others. Then he sent out the 12. Then he sent out, and they came back to him. They came back to him with great reports. And they were happy. They were happy, they were happy. And they said, Lord, it was just like this, just like you said. And he said the devils were subject to the name, to your name.


Speaker1: [00:42:12] You wasn't even with us, but they were subject to your name and you wasn't even there. Oh, we've seen all this with you. But they were subject to us using your name. Oh, that's the way it is now. He's not here physically in person, but he's in us, and they are subject to his name. And so they'll be going in and they'll be going out. They'll be coming in, they'll be going out. There'll be there'll be equipping of the Saints. There'll be a net working of people that will be increasing, and it will impact not only this city and this, this. City in this county, but it'll go to other places and it'll go to other counties. And it won't be just me going out. There'll be others that will go out, and you'll raise up and you'll train and you'll show and you will reveal. You will duplicate yourself, for the Lord will do it quick. He'll do it quick. You'll do it quick. He'll do it quick, and he'll do it through you. He'll do it through you. So, father, we just bless you tonight from the city. Ha! So that he could say, ha ha ha ha! Ho ho ho! Ha ha! And the devil's trying to use everything that he has to see. He made things real serious for you. Ha, ha. Serious. He said this is serious. Ha! He said, oh, this is a bad situation. Ha ha! It is. How bad is it? Ha! To keep you physically distracted. Mentally distracted. Distractions come physically and mentally to take your laughter, your smile, and your joy away. Ha ha ha ha. For people who's not even physically at the age of retirement, he's trying to retire.


[00:44:11] You at your age. Mentally. Settle. Forget it. No no no no no no no no no. We've only just begun.


Speaker1: [00:44:26] Ha ha ha ha ha ha. And they were. They came to David. They came to the cave. They were the cave people. They didn't fit down at the first church. You couldn't put a steeple on the cave. They didn't have all the right programs. It wasn't socially understandable or acceptable. And the Lord used the misfits. Lord says if if you're discontented and discouraged and depressed, he said, I got a liking toward you. I can use you and Turn your life around. Anyone other than me. Ever been dis dis dis? Y'all ever felt distant? Like somebody dissed you. They disliked you. So if you're discouraged sometimes and discontented and stressed and distressed and all the dishes you qualify. We're taking applications right now. You could join the 3D crowd. Hallelujah! Welcome to the cave. Amen. And that's who the Lord was telling me. He said, do you know where the harvest is? Ripe in your city? And I said, I guess I don't. You want to know? Yes, sir. You sure? Yes, sir. Go get your Bible. Go to go for a swim? I thought, ain't no way. I ain't heard this. I mean, what in the world is in first Samuel? Sure enough, he was. He was speaking to me right there. He said, there they are. You know, David, as a young man, we know the Goliath story. But, you know, Goliath had a vision, too. It was wrong, but he had it. He thought his vision was true. All he did look in the mirror and say, of course it's true. Look at me. I mean, you couldn't get not one person on the other side. You couldn't get the whole army to come against him. So he had a vision. But his vision didn't get him ahead in life cause he didn't have no head to get ahead with. After he met David. Just a little young teenager. And it just made all the sense in the world today. But he said, well, he look at me and say, yeah, he's pretty.


Speaker2: [00:47:09] Big.


Speaker1: [00:47:10] But he ain't got a covenant. A tall man with no covenant who just shout, shout, shout, shout in his mouth. Shooting his mouth off all the time. He ain't got, ain't got a bit of covenant. So all those words that come to you. You know those in the flesh, in the mind. What are you going to do about this? It's going to be about that. You see here the doctor you see with the X-ray. Can I ask you a question? Do you do any of those voices have a covenant? Does any of those things that's against you have a covenant with God? So why do we give them real estate? To live. Why do we open the door and let them bed down for a day or two or a week, a month, a year?


[00:48:02] Kick them out. Kick them out.


Speaker1: [00:48:05] Just kick them out. So we begin to stir this up tonight. Lord wanted to bring you back to that. And I said, so that's what. That's where you are right there. He said, yeah, I told you. I said, I told you in the New Year. He said, New Year was last year, not this year. Go back and pray that. He said, now begin to engage in their hearts. So I know the kids got to go to school. So if y'all need to go, y'all take off whatever. But I want to give anyone an opportunity to when they're praying because I like to hear what the Holy Spirit said to you. So he said, just pray these things again, because it will begin to stir up what was said back then. And I'll put that. I'll put things back in the heart that you might even forgot was even said in a certain way, because time goes by, you forget. But. But the Lord hasn't forgot. Amen. So I'm through. Anybody got something they want to add to, or they heard when they was praying? Or that concerning these things. Thank you.

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